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Programming / Re: close programme
« Last post by EVa on May 16, 2024, 04:27:57 AM »
Without knowing what's in the PFILEBOX program, it's impossible to tell why this isn't working all of the time.  Also, your PxPlus version looks pretty old (I'm guessing v11 or older) - you could check if the problem still happens when using a current version of PxPlus.
Programming / Re: close programme
« Last post by Danilo David on May 15, 2024, 11:22:51 PM »

im using this line codes to upload a file:
32420 CALL %WINDX$+%DF1_SDRIVE$+"D"+"F"+"1"+"\"+"P"+"R"+"O"+"G"+"_"+"D"+"F"+"1"+"\"+"P"+"F"+"I"+"L"+"E"+"B"+"O"+"X",INPUT_PAD$,START_PAD$,MSG("Excel facescanner")

Thank you


Webster Plus / Re: Retrieving calculated string from program to web page
« Last post by pwhirley on May 15, 2024, 03:34:55 PM »
Thanks Susan,

Your understanding is correct.  I have tried adding a line down where all the other hidden variables are.  it looks like this:
[hide printerList$ value=""]

That didn't work, so I also tried adding printerList$ to the _fm_panel_iol$ value, also at the bottom of the page. 

Your suggestion suggests that I'm not totally ignorant, thankfully.  I think I understand this but I'm doing something wrong.

Webster Plus / Re: Retrieving calculated string from program to web page
« Last post by Susan Cryderman on May 15, 2024, 02:52:51 PM »

Just for clarification - you may NOT want to use the File Maintenance Generator method for adding the hidden variable as this would over-write the previous edits you made to the html file.
Webster Plus / Re: Retrieving calculated string from program to web page
« Last post by Susan Cryderman on May 15, 2024, 02:40:16 PM »
Hi Phil,

If I'm understanding this correctly - printer$ is the element in the data file being maintained and printerList$ is the delimited list of available printers (that is not an element in the data file).

I have not tried this - but it sounds like you might need to add a Hidden Variable to the form.  You can do this by adding a line using the [hide] short code to the generated html page that looks something like:

[hide printerList$ value=""]

 - or -

If you are running PxPlus 2022 or later, you should be able to also do this from within the File Maintenance Generator.  Press the Hidden Variables button on Step 6 and add an Additional Variable of printerList$.
Webster Plus / Retrieving calculated string from program to web page
« Last post by pwhirley on May 15, 2024, 11:32:31 AM »
I'm not sure how best to explain my question. I feel sure it is an easy solution but I'm tired of trying to figure it out.
I have a file maintenance page generated through the NOMADS tools.  It works just fine and I've been able to do some tweaks.  I have copied _fm_webmaint to my progs folder and modified it and all the mods work except one.  One of the fields available to edit is the selected Printer.  I have made this a drop box and intend to offer a list of the available printers ON THE SERVER.  I inserted this line within the <form>:
[execute perform "Tools;Printer_List"]
The line executes and creates a variable, printerList$ that has a delimited list of available printers.  I cannot figure out how to make that variable available on the page so that it shows up in the line below:

[row "*\[show usefile field=printer$\]:"][list printer$ usefile event=Printer_Validate]
      [data rowsep=/]printerList$[/data][/list]
   [/row]<br />[/font][/font][/size][/size]

I have tried using %webster'Update(printerList$,mynewlist$) in my program, but I cannot get any data in the variable printerList$ on the web page.

Any help would be appreciated.  It is something simple, I am certain.

Thanks - Phil
Programming / Re: close programme
« Last post by EVa on May 15, 2024, 05:58:40 AM »
Can you explain what you mean by "uploading a file in the system" ?  Are you using iNomads or the webserver or Webster+ ?  Or is it an FTP upload ?  Do you have a screenshot of the popup ?
Programming / Re: close programme
« Last post by Danilo David on May 15, 2024, 02:23:35 AM »

Anyone knows, sometimes when Im uploading a file in the system
theres a popup "close programme" then when you press ok it will close everything
but thats not always like that, sometimes is ok.

Thank you for your reply
Webster Plus / Re: Password for downloaded CATS Webster+ demo
« Last post by pwhirley on May 14, 2024, 03:43:52 PM »
Thanks Jean,
I was not requesting a password for the online demo.  I downloaded the code to my local machine from https://demo.pvxplus.com/site.zip.

I chatted with Mike K. and found that the user name is "Admin" and the password is the same as the default online password.  It all works now and is very helpful.

Webster Plus / Re: Password for downloaded CATS Webster+ demo
« Last post by jhendrickx00 on May 13, 2024, 07:06:16 PM »
Why just don't request another password with your same email?


  Check the button [ I forgot my password ] and provide your email.

Jean H//
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