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Messages - PxPlus

General Announcements / What's New from PVX Plus
December 19, 2024, 07:19:58 AM
Keep up to date with what's happening at PVX Plus since DireXions. Please see our latest newsletter.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season.
PxPlus 2024 Update 1 (v21.10) is now available.  This update includes a number of enhancements and minor corrections.

The full list of enhancements can be viewed at

Product downloads available at
General Announcements / Forum Upgrade
July 04, 2024, 11:05:06 AM
You may have noticed things look a little different.

This is because we upgraded our forum to enhance security and take advantage of the latest features offered by the forum software.

The biggest change is to the forum theme. We now have a theme that lets you customize the look and feel to your personal taste.

You can select between a Light and Dark theme mode using the button at the top of the screen to the right of the bell icon.

You can also customize the theme color by clicking the pallet icon at the top right.
General Announcements / Announcing PxPlus 2024
May 24, 2024, 09:20:06 AM
We are pleased to announce that PxPlus 2024 (v21) is available for download.

PxPlus 2024 includes new features to keep your applications safe, secure and modern

  • The Harvard Business Review reported a 20% increase in cyber security data breaches from 2022 to 2023. To protect your application and your customers' data, PxPlus 2024 is updated with the latest Security modules.

  • In speaking with the developer community, we learned that many developers are using Visual Studio Code in other areas of their development teams. PxPlus 2024 includes a new extension to Visual Studio Code, an industry-leading code editor that is the preferred choice for many developers.

  • In today's competitive environment, the look and feel of an application is equally important as the functionality. PxPlus 2024 includes modern PxPlus toolkit interfaces showcasing Dark and Light modes, and new tools to update the look of your Nomads and non-Nomads based applications.

  • Webster+, launched in 2021, provides developers with the optimal toolset to convert your application to browser based. PxPlus 2024 continues to enhance Webster+ with the ability to create and maintain screen library objects using a Web browser with Webster+ Inspector.

  • We made it even easier for you to design your application screens for NOMADS and Webster+ with the new File Maintenance Generator Enhanced Layout.

For a complete overview of new features in this release, see the What's New section.

Watch our short video introducing PxPlus 2024

Additional Resources

To download the software for PxPlus 2024, go to our Download Center.

To download the software for v8.00 PxPlus SQL ODBC Driver and PxPlus SQL Server , go to our Download Center.

For additional technical information, see our Documentation website.

The PVX Plus Team
Programming / Re: Future of PVX plus?
December 01, 2023, 08:08:07 PM
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the post.  PVX Plus Technologies will continue to develop and enhance the language and toolset. Our dedicated and engaged team is currently working on the next release scheduled for May 2024.  We will continue to offer new releases designed to enhance our customers applications and solve your pain points.

Keep in touch.
General Announcements / Update from PVX Plus Technologies
December 01, 2023, 05:12:00 PM
All of us at PVX Plus Technologies would like to express our best wishes to the King's as they embark on their new stage of life. We will miss the constant presence of Mike's innovative genius and Rosalba's impeccable organization that have guided us throughout the years. We wish you much success in your new endeavours, and we are also looking forward to connecting with you in the role of consultants.

In March of this year, PVX Plus was sold to Jonas Software. Jonas Software was the right choice as they offer the most solid foundation to support the continued growth of PVX Plus Technologies over the long term. PVX Plus Technologies will continue to develop and enhance the language and toolset. Our dedicated and engaged team is currently working on the next release scheduled for May 2024.  We will continue to offer new releases designed to enhance our customers applications and solve your pain points.

In addition to our team of experienced developers staying with the company, we are pleased to announce that our team is growing. In the past couple of months, we have added two new team members and are in the process of hiring a third. 

We look forward to working in collaboration with our customers to understand and solve your challenges.

For those who aren't on our mailing list, please sign up here.

The PVX Team
Introducing our seven part video series on PxPlus 2023.

These videos will showcase many of the new features of PxPlus 2023 highlighting both Webster+ and the PxPlus Database interfaces.

For full details on this release please see our Release Info page.
Look at the PxPlus Report writer as a means to generate the report. 

From there you can directly create reports as PDF or HTML (amongst other formats) depending on your needs.
Programming / Re: Access IOL variables as properties
November 10, 2023, 11:08:49 AM
For further clarification on this issue:

When you create a composite string you are creating a variable that when referenced is constructed on the fly from the variables defined in the IOLIST (or parsed in the case of update).

So in your example you have defined a composite string params$ whose value should be derived from the variables$, param,name$, and param.value.

The problem stems from the fact these, as they are true variables, will not be saved when you exit the ON_CREATE or any Method call.  Also as true variables they cannot be defined as properties or local values within the object in the hopes that this will preserve their contents.  The logic that builds the composite string when you reference params$ only looks at defined variable list and not any object related elements.

Normally when running within an object and a variable is referenced the system will look at the property and local variable list to see if the variable is defined and, if not, proceed to the list of true variables.  Composite strings only look at the true variable list as the variable names are dynamically created from the composite string variable name and element in the associated iOLIST.
Actually why not just pass a variable to contain the object handle into the initialization call, set it during initialization, then during the finalization pass the same variable and drop the object.  The variable you pass in should remain localized to the current Query session.
There are any number of ways to accomplish this but the easiest might be using ED+.

Simply load the program you want and launch ED+,  Select the Edit >> Find & Replace >> Find option from the menu bar. 

This will bring up the Find window where you can enter STRING1 and press the ALL button to highlight all occurrences. 

Now if you want you can enter a regular expression, press the .* button enter PRINT|INPUT and press ALL to get all PRINT or INPUT words.  Any regular expression can be used.

There are also things like the LV command line that will list all variables.

Or if you want to migrate your utility, likely you simply have to save it in _cmd/somename then load your program and enter somename to have the system run your code.  The PGM function should work pretty much the same as BBx.  The _cmd directory should be in directory where you started PxPlus.

You would need to test for _EOM$ = $02$ in your 'change/Click' logic.

Actually I generally test for $02$ or $0D$ which is double click or ENTER thus allowing clients which don't want to use a mouse or how have trouble clicking twice rapidly to use the keyboard and just press enter.
I just created a Nomads panel with a Report view list that had Signal all changes and an OnClick event of SETTRACE PRINT "Click == _EOM$="+HTA(_EOM$).

It showed I first get $01$ then $02$ when I double click any item is the list.  The $01$ is the first click, $02$ for the second.

I used settrace print to make sure I didn't do anything that would move focus off the control between clicks, sure as displaying a Message Box.
Language / Re: Dropping an Excel object
November 06, 2023, 09:51:48 AM
This sounds like Excel itself is hung up trying to update oneDrive.  Its possible it is trying to upload any changes you have made (or maybe something as trivial as the last accessed date) on oneDrive.

Also make sure you has closed all the excel workbooks before you drop the Excel object. 
Web Services / Re: REST problems
September 27, 2023, 06:51:31 PM
Did you print what was in MSG(-1) to see what OS error you are receiving?