Data Dictionary Update *dict/dd_updt

Started by PMM_CAI, August 08, 2023, 04:09:47 PM

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Greetings. The Data Dictionary Update pgm *dict/dd_updt: it looks as though it returns error descriptions, not error numbers. If one's code happens to call it, will checking the err variable immediately upon returning from the call contain the error number associated with the returned message?

Thanks in advance.

Paula McKeever
CAI Software LLC

Mike King

There are two types of errors you could received from this utility.

  • The first would be an expected error such as a password failure, invalid table name, etc.  These will be reported in the error message which will be NULL if no error occurred, non-null indicates an error.
  • The second would be a totally unexpected error such as file corruption or IO error.  These can be caught using an ERR= option.

Checking ERR would only be appropriate if an ERR= branch was taken.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting