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Topics - Jeffrey Ferreira

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Programming / Passing a COM Object to a CMD
« on: November 17, 2022, 05:06:39 PM »
Hi List
I was trying to do the following
def object excel_obj,"Excel.Application"

I then created a *cmd\PO to parse object and return values for troubleshooting...
if i do
call "*cmd\PO",excel_obj it works
but if i do

i get an error 36 ..i don think it sees it as a numeric...i seem to remember something like *VARIANT

can anyone shed any light on this?


Programming / Associative Arrays
« on: October 17, 2022, 11:06:23 AM »
Hello All,

If I have a small associative array of items like this

 If I check to see if item is in the array it adds that item to array with a value of 0.
Question -> Is there a way i can check the array without it adding it to array. Is this taking up room in memory ...
if i'm checking a few million invoices lines - i dont want to run into an error 31

I know i can use a memory file but the associative array is quite convenient.



Web Services / EZWeb Server
« on: September 26, 2022, 12:23:17 PM »
Hello List,
I was able to get ezweb server running and rendering static html pages.
when i use print(%PRINT_FN) - it seems to return a file
i'm trying to create a dynamic html page on the fly

so if user goes to localhost:8080/part=A123

i want to return an html page but i want to modify some of the info...
does anyone know how i can do that....

Language / *plus\web\request
« on: September 07, 2022, 04:50:17 PM »
Hi All,
I am running pxplus 13.1
I have been using *plus\web\request with a fair amount of success with both http and https sites.
Recently a web service provider made some changes. I can no longer connect to certain https urls  using "*plus web request" ->  msg(-1) = "Unable to connect securely"
But i can connect using powershell and postman.

Does anyone have any thoughts suggestions?
i can rewrite my program to use powershell but i would prefer not to if i dont have to.



p.s. the web service is to get an access token.

Language / Trapping for Escape Key
« on: May 18, 2022, 10:58:45 AM »

Is there any way to trap for the ESC key being hit. I tried _EOM$ and ctl but i cannot seem to distinguish it from clicking the X-Close .
or would i need to modify *UCK



Programming / providex.usr - Auto Create
« on: April 29, 2022, 03:57:47 PM »
Hello List,

In old pxplus. Is there a way i could automatically create the providex.usr file.
A client is looking for me to make a wizard to create a USER by just answering a few questions.
i should have posted this in "Language"



Programming / Converting HTML to PDF
« on: April 25, 2022, 03:59:58 PM »
Hi All,
I have a need to convert an HTML Page to a PDF programatically. I've done it manually and it converts real nice.  I was curious about that pxplus chromium object....do you think that could do it?

I should elaborate...when you have a web page open thru chrome...you can print it to pdf and it comes out really nice...i was wondering if i opened a web page thru that chromium object if i could that...i did try it and i could not seem to access any of the methods/properties...that is when i posted to list...


Language / Convert PxPlus File to CSV
« on: March 01, 2022, 08:02:21 AM »
Hello All,

I know you can convert a grid or list box to an csv.  Are there any Utilities out there that will take a PxPlus and convert it to a CSV file. I figured I would ask before creating it.



ODBC / ODBC / Linked Server
« on: February 08, 2022, 09:37:04 AM »
Hello All,

We are trying to attempt is to set up a linked server in SQL as a read only to pull data from a Pxplus database. The linked server is an ODBC type using the 5.20 64 bit driver and we can see all the tables but we cannot query anything. Using Excel we are able to pull data using the same odbc connection but SQL locks up all users and does nothing. The SQL server is in Azure and we are using SSMS to access the connection. We have tried this before with the same result on older versions of SQL both 3.50 64 bit and the 4.21.1 32 bit. Has anyone ever been able to get linked server to work in SQL or is it just not compatible?



ODBC / Getting a View to Show ODBC
« on: January 21, 2022, 01:32:21 PM »
Hi List,

I'm trying to start using Views to make complex file linking easier for our customers. I'm having trouble getting the Views to display in my ODBC DSN.  I see the views dll...i dont have that filled in...can someone give me some pointers.


Language / Error in Character Editor
« on: January 10, 2022, 11:06:42 AM »
Hi All,

I know I should use GUI editor but I like some features in the character editor...but I cannot save programs in Character editor.
I get an error 41 at line 5039

5039 print 'textwdw'(-200,-200,mxc(0)+2,mxl(0)+2,'CS'),

i do have a bigger monitor...does anyone know how i can fix this?



ODBC / Crystal Reports SAP/PxPlus ODBC Driver Error 3 Tables
« on: October 19, 2021, 11:04:36 AM »
Hello All

I have a client that does the following using Crystal and PxPlus ODBC Driver:

-> Links Order Header to Order Lines (works fine)
-> Links Order Lines to Inventory Master (works fine)
-> Links Order Header to Order Lines and Order Lines to Inventory Master (fails)

I don't know if it is a Crystal Problem or a PxPlus ODBC problem. Has anyone else had an issue like this


Nomads / Scrolling in a panel
« on: September 14, 2021, 04:55:08 PM »

If i make panel resizable. Is there any way to get vertical and horizontal scroll bars on it...it is a tabbed panel.
i dont know if that is confounding things.



Language / Determine Viewer
« on: June 23, 2021, 02:38:28 PM »
Hello List,

When we open a printer - we can do the following
print fin(print_chan,"DEVICE")  ! Determine Printer

If we open the *viewer* is there any sure fire way to determine that we have the Viewer Open



Language / Was Program Called
« on: June 16, 2021, 10:53:39 AM »
Hi List

To determine if a program was called:
Thru the years, i've seen programs check tcb(13)<>0 but I have had problems with that.
Then i saw check tcb(20) but then I encountered programs called with no arguments.

Is there any sure fire fool proof way to know if a program was called.


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