Mailing List Update

Started by James Zukowski, June 28, 2018, 01:27:18 PM

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James Zukowski

Is there any expected timeline for any of the maillist content to be available on the forum? While the maillist is still functioning in a Q&A mode only (no interactions or searching available), there is a deep fount of knowledge that would ultimately be lost if it doesn't get transferred - even in abridged form.

In a quick review on my browser bookmarks, I noticed some items that I had marked that were in the forum, but alas are no longer accessible. (I guess I should have reviewed earlier while it was still up, so I could download the details. Too late...for now.)
James Zukowski
Sr. Developer - J&E

Brand Industrial Services

Mike King

Unfortunately due to GDPR rules we cannot make the historical emails available as they cannot be edited in any way that would allow removal of any personal information such as persons name or where they work.  While this rule would not apply to non-EU member postings, because message threads often include the data submitted by others all emails have the potential to include personal data and not in any form that is easily editable or able to be removed.

If you have things you are looking for we suggest you post your request here and we will try to either answer the question and/or search the archives to get an answer removing any personal data from the response.  Over time this should allow this forum to include many items of interest to the community. 

This also will allow us to update many of the answers that were in older mail list entries.  Older answers may now no longer be relevant or correct as the product has changed over the years.  For example older maillist entries might suggest you invoke Adobe to display a PDF or Shell.explorer to display an animated GIF, ignoring the fact that the *BROWSER object module included in PxPlus 2017 can be used to display PDF files and that animated GIF files are supported directly.

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

James Zukowski

Fortunately, my list of "old" links is rather short. While I don't recall specifically why I bookmarked them, I know the information would be something I would interested in during the development/upgrade/update of our system. Some may have since been superceded, as you indicated, or already incorporated into the software.

Here are the original message numbers and their corresponding subject lines:
56128: Spooling
113168: Startup
113043: Password Encryption
113778: Nomads Security
82657: Multi-Monitor Explanation/Usage
79935: Excel Interaction
73888: Folder Tab Colors

James Zukowski
Sr. Developer - J&E

Brand Industrial Services


  Hi Mike, in what format is the mailing list stored?

  Jean H//


Quote from: jhendrickx00 on July 25, 2018, 09:40:46 AM
  Hi Mike, in what format is the mailing list stored?

  Jean H//

  Perhaps we can create a wiki project to edit/delete personal's info and give you only the questions/data without personal data... and you can republish it ...

  Just an idea ...

  Jean H//

Mike King

The problem is that the mailing list is actually maintained in the original format that the emails were received in.  This poses a number of problems in addition to the obvious issue of how to identify people's names within the email.

  • The text portions vary from plan text, quoted printable, base64 encoded, UTF8, and HTML.

  • Emails may contain images which may include personal information.
In addition the email headers would need to be striped as they include personal tracking info such as IP addresses.

Even if we could somehow extract the mails and pull out/mask the identifying information, most Personal Data rules require us to allow user to be provided copies of, edit or delete the contents of any email they posted and a list of who the email was sent to. 

As we have mentioned, we are adding entries to the FAQ and Tech Tips sections of this forum as the issues come up.
There is also the issue that many of the old responses are just out of date and contain information that is no longer relevant on the newer PxPlus versions and including these cold potentially just confuse people.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting