RSS Feed options

Started by PxPlus, June 25, 2018, 11:52:07 AM

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This forum provides a RSS feed that can be used to obtain a number of different outputs about the forum with the most common being the most recent posts.  The link to the feed itself is;type=rss and can also be found at the bottom of every page in the forum.

Changing the output format of the feed

You can select different formats of output by changing the type parameter on the url.

  • ;type=atom - Atom

  • ;type=rdf - RDF

  • ;type=rss - RSS 1.00

  • ;type=rss2 - RSS 2.0

How to change the contents of the feed

All of the XML content is accessed via the ".xml" action parameter with a sub-action (sa=) parameter which describes what type of information you want.

Provides the following feed
This is the default feed which will be used if no sa= option is present and provides the 5 most recent posts.

Available options:
limit=x - display the "x" most recent posts (if number is less than 5, it will display 5. If number is larger than 255, it will display 255).
board=y - display only the recent posts from board "y"
boards=x,y,z - display only the recent posts from the specified boards
c=x or c=x,y,z - display only the recent posts from boards in the specified category/categories

This request displays the first post from the most recent topics that you can see.

Available options:
limit=x - display only "x" items
board=y - display only news topics from board "y"
boards=x,y,z - display only news topics from the specified boards
c=x or c=x,y,z - display only news topics from boards in the specified category/categories

Displays the most recent members to the forum.

Available options:
limit=x - display only the "x" most recent members