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Messages - michaelgreer

Programming / Re: winprt
March 21, 2024, 03:09:46 PM
Sam - I'd be interested to know what happens when you enter: open(hfn)"[wdx]"+"*windev*
On that workstation.  This might tell you what issue you are facing. Beyond that, for this use you will need to have the printer configured with a generic/text only driver.  *winprt* interacts (I believe) with the windows print driver.  I don't think your pvx driver is being ignored so much as overridden.
I have not found a place with a single overview of language enhancements (particularly security).  Are there documents that focus on this information which is otherwise scattered through the documentation.  Thanks!
Programming / Re: Error 114 recovery
January 16, 2024, 01:06:20 PM
Sure did. It just threw a bunch of errors and recovered 0 records.
Programming / Re: Error 114 recovery
January 16, 2024, 12:29:43 PM

Already reviewed that.  Unfortunately I cannot open the file (throws error 114) so I cannot use KEYED LOAD.
Programming / Error 114 recovery
January 16, 2024, 11:48:32 AM
I have files which are showing error 114.  When I attempt to use *UFAR it complains about error 114 and won't proceed (I can check the file successfully).  Any insight on how to recover the data or fix the file is appreciated.
Programming / Re: Block print and Hyperlinks.
November 28, 2023, 04:35:47 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "*TEXT", but I think you want this, which can be found in the online manual: (

Text Hyperlinks

A hyperlink can be outputted to a PDF document by printing using the 'TEXT' mnemonic with the <URL> attribute where URL is the destination of the hyperlink. The text will be underlined and displayed in blue to distinguish it as hyperlink text unless the style=inherit option was specified with the URL. In that case, the current font and foreground color will determine the look of the hyperlink text.


print (pdf_chan)'text'(240,420,"Google","C<>")

(Support for text hyperlinks was added in PxPlus 2018.)
(The style=inherit option was added in PxPlus 2019.)

Picture Hyperlinks

A picture can be created as a hyperlink that can be outputted to a PDF document by using the 'PICTURE' mnemonic with the <URL> attribute where URL is the destination of the hyperlink.


open (pdf_chan)"*PDF*;file=C:\my_app\abc\report.pdf"
print (pdf_chan)'picture'(1,1,100,100,"C:\my_app\abc\resources\mylogo.png,<>",2)
print (pdf_chan)'picture'(500,800,700,880,"C:\my_app\resources\mapbutton.png,<file:///c:/my_app/abc/map.pdf>")
close (pdf_chan)

(Support for picture hyperlinks was added in PxPlus 2019.)

Rectangle Hyperlinks

A rectangle can be created as a hyperlink that can be outputted to a PDF document by using the 'RECTANGLE' mnemonic with the <URL> attribute where URL is the destination of the hyperlink. This can also be used to create an arbitrary region in the PDF that is a hyperlink. By setting 'PEN' to 0, the rectangle will not be drawn; however, the hyperlink will be created.


open (pdf_chan)"*PDF*;file=C:\my_app\abc\report.pdf"
print (pdf_chan)'pen'(1,3,8),'fill'(2,6)
print (pdf_chan)'rectangle'(200,200,600,600,0,"<>")
print (pdf_chan)'pen'(0,0,0)
print (pdf_chan)'rectangle'(800,100,900,400,0,"<file:///C:/my_app/abc/map.pdf>")
close (pdf_chan)

(Support for rectangle hyperlinks was added in PxPlus 2019.)
Language / 'picutre' mnemonic
August 09, 2023, 03:12:45 PM
Assuming a command like this: print 'picture'(10,10,200,200,"myfile.jpg")
Is there a way to have the image reside on the Windx client?  I have tried prefix the file name with windx and a full path - [wdx]c:\images\myfile.jpg, but to no avail.  Thanks!

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
July 31, 2023, 02:53:06 PM
A final note here. I have no idea why this works, but if I adjust the block size down to 256 bytes when I am transferring from Linux to windows it all works.  I had cut down to 1024, and then 512. Both of those failed, so I stopped.  Go figure.
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
July 17, 2023, 03:27:16 PM

I think we got off a little bit.  I am trying to read data from a linux file and write it to a local file.  I open the linux source; I create and open the windows target. I read the linux file with a block.  When I issue the write to the local windows file, it PxPlus dies.  The customer provided this grid:
                        IP               OS                       PVX VERSION   
LIVE SERVER       Red Hat Enterprise 5.7   514(32 bit)   
TEST SERVER       Centos 7                   771(64 bit)   
TEST CLIENT    Windows 10 Home           771(64 bit)   

What is odd is that if the  test client is pointed over to the Centos Server the failure does not occur.
Thin Client/WindX / Windx on a MAC
July 14, 2023, 09:25:19 AM
Customer wishing to access their PxPlus application running on a windows server from their Mac.  Any ideas on solutions here.
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
July 07, 2023, 10:16:53 AM
James, Yes, empty file.  Mike, I will check on the AV issue; if I can create the file (which I can) doesn't that prove that the directory is writeable?
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
July 05, 2023, 02:17:43 PM
I added the error branch on the write record.  Providex still dropped out on the write record. So, to be clear, I can create the serial file on the Windx Client machine; I can open the file. As soon as I try a write record of any size (I did create a file and do a write record of the word "test" with no issue) providex exits.
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
July 05, 2023, 10:22:51 AM
I verified that the Windx version matches the version of Providex.  The instruction that fails is he write record. When I step through that command providex drops.  I am trying to re-connect with the customer and see if an error branch will trap an error (I doubt it, but I'm going to try).
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
July 03, 2023, 04:26:36 PM
Mike,  I *think* you missed the substring on the "this_File$" in the execute command.
Thin Client/WindX / Server to Windx failure
June 30, 2023, 10:56:28 AM
I'm almost embarassed to post this as we are talking pvx 7.7, but here goes.  I customer is replacing their Redhat 5.7 server with a new Centos 7 server.  PVX seems to run fine, but any time it tries to do certain things via Windx, the session drops. So, this program will cause the issue on the write record:

0010 open (hfn,isz=-1)"/tmp/4586-1.out"; let IN=lfo
0015 let THIS_FILE$="[wdx]c:\infor\jmg.pdf"
0020 execute "[wdx]serial "+$22$+THIS_FILE$(6)+$22$
0025 open lock (hfn,isz=-1)THIS_FILE$; let OUT=lfo
0030 read record (IN,siz=512)XX$
0035 write record (OUT)XX$

If I change the IP address that the Windx client is using to be the old server, everything works.  Any insight here would be appreciated.

Thanks!  Michael