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Messages - Jeffrey Ferreira

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13
Programming / Re: Object Oriented Question
« on: June 24, 2019, 07:27:04 PM »
Hi Mike,

Thank you I will look at it. However, I was trying to get my feet with OOP and I thought why not do it with something useful.
I guess what I was looking for was an answer to the question:

is OOP good to use for GUI user interfaces?
or just for doing calculations and storing data.

For instance i can see the usefulness of something like this
Customer.pvc object

print cust'ar_balance

but i cant see a good way to get it to work with a panel....

and the answer might be, "No Jeff you dont use OOP with panels."

thanks for you patience with me.


Programming / Re: Object Oriented Question
« on: June 24, 2019, 11:56:36 AM »
Hi Stephane,

Thanks for getting back to me. My only concern with that is that I think then all the controls / variables will be visible in new window.  I dont think that is a good idea or at least it violates the concept of encapsulation. I feel like a dummy because i read all these tutorials on OOP and it seems to work fine if you never want a user interface. But again it is probably the way I am implementing and I'm missing something very basic.


Programming / Re: Object Oriented Question
« on: June 23, 2019, 08:03:36 PM »
i re-read my post...i should clarify...all the oop examples are like:


i'm wondering if associating a panel is a good idea or possible with oop



Programming / Object Oriented Question
« on: June 23, 2019, 07:19:06 PM »
Hello List,
i'm really new to oop.
I was trying to create an object using pxplus charts that would do something like the following:
and then i change properties to make a bar, line chart etc..then i can invoke the object from any panel presenting data....
the problem i am having is I want it to display in  a window...
i would like to equate to:

def object excel_obj="Excel.Application" and you have a visible excel that you can close....

the problem is when i draw a 'dialogue' and put my chart on it
if i close it i close my whole session....

i feel like once i get past this hurdle i can run with it....

ODBC / Re: Error Log ODBC
« on: March 18, 2019, 01:23:27 PM »
Devon, i think i'm pretty sure i'm using the same one
i have 64 bit version
if i go back in there it is still checked....
i will double check everything.

ODBC / Error Log ODBC
« on: March 18, 2019, 11:36:41 AM »
Hello List,
On the Debug Tab of a 64 bit odbc pxplus data source i checked.
Enable Debug
and then specified log file
if i use test connection it outputs to the file but no other tests will write to the file....Excel  or Other applications that we use to access it...
Has anyone had this issue before....
i have used this feature before at another client with some degree of success.


Programming / Re: Generic Query
« on: March 07, 2019, 05:02:49 PM »
i was told i need to do a set_focus and not next_id

Programming / Generic Query
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:35:30 PM »
Hello List,

I tend to always run into these one off situations where I need user input from a list
but the data is not in a file and too many selections for a message box.
and i dislike making a panel for each instance....
so i had this idea for a generic query routine that i could
pass in an associative array
and get a return value
here is my code ...it is almost working but i dont think i have the OBTAIN right
and the arrows are not working on the list box.....
has anyone ever done this?
can someone help me out

29000 !
29020 enter (PANEL_TITLE$),ARRAY${all},RETURN_VALUE$
29030 if dim(read num(ARRAY$))=0 then exit ! If No Values then Exit
29040 call "CAIREPOS;PRINT_CENTERED_DIALOGUE",50,35,(PANEL_TITLE$) ! This is just my routine to Print a Centered Window (this part works)
29050 let LOAD_THIS$=""
29060 for ARRAY_INDEX$ index ARRAY${all}
29070 let LOAD_THIS$+=ARRAY_INDEX$+sep
29080 next
29090 list_box 100,@(1,1,48,33),fnt="*"
29100 list_box load 100,LOAD_THIS$
29120 list_box write 100,1,err=*next
29121 let NEXT_ID=100
29130 wait .5
29140 repeat
29150 obtain (tim=2)NIU$
29160 let MODE$=""
29170 list_box read 100,RETURN_VALUE$,MODE$,err=*next
29180 until MODE$=$0D$ or MODE$=$02$
29190 print (0,err=*next)'pop',
29990 exit

Programming / Re: JSON to Array
« on: February 28, 2019, 11:36:49 AM »
A Coworker of mine just pointed out that I missed this in the documentation:

DIM LOAD array_name${ALL} = JSON_value$

sorry about that.

Programming / JSON to Array
« on: February 28, 2019, 10:58:38 AM »
Hi All,

I know we can take a PxPlus Associative Array and convert it to JSON.
I'm struggling with the inverse.
How do I parse JSON passed back via PxPlus.
Is it possible using PxPlus?


Programming / Re: Defining Function
« on: February 25, 2019, 12:54:59 PM »
This looks promising James. I will give it a try. Thank you.

Programming / Defining Function
« on: February 25, 2019, 11:51:13 AM »
Hello List,

I'm trying to avoid using a global function but I would like function available in multiple programs.  I tried doing the following: 


10 perform "PR0G02;DEFINE_FUNCTIONS"
20 PRINT fnPAIR$("Key","Value")

but I can't access the function defined in PR0G02

is my only recourse  a Global Function?


Programming / Re: Multi Line Dash
« on: February 21, 2019, 02:01:16 PM »
thanks Mike.
I figured was standard behavior but I just thought I would ask.

Programming / Multi Line Dash
« on: February 21, 2019, 11:22:19 AM »
I have a multi line that contains a description that contains dimensions as follows:

Blue Widget 35-7/8x79-3/8

what happens in the multi-line is that it sees the dash as an allowable place to split up a word
so it will do something like this:
Blue Widget 35-
if i change the - to anything else it seems to keep it together...
do i have any way around this aside from changing the dash to something else?


Programming / Re: pxplus/web/request curl -k
« on: February 20, 2019, 09:20:22 AM »
Thanks for the feedback Mike.  I think the issue might be the ip address is not whitelisted because I couldn't get curl to work on the server. I was testing curl on my desktop before I put on server.

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