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character set option

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Thomas Bock:
Our application uses ISO8859-15. A MySQL-DB uses uft8 as a default.
If the application uses a prefix file in order to open a sql-table instead of a keyed file, what options and adjustments need to be made in order to keep german umlauts and french accented characters and the euro sign of course?
I tried several things but always gain questionmarks.

Mike King:
Have you tried the options as described here:

It appears you may just need to change the Database or Server to a different character set.

Thomas Bock:
I don't think it is a collation thing.
As far as I have read by now it seems to be an issue with the character set been sent by the application. A MySQL- or Maria-DB on an utf8-OS expects utf8 unless you tell him the data uses a different character set. So you need to talk to the "connection". A "set namens 'cp1250'" solves the issue, but I don't have the chance to configure it somewhere, as charset=cp1250 is ignored in the opt-string.

Mike King:
The web site we sent you to described two options --- Collate and Charset

CREATE DATABASE database_name
CHARACTER SET character_set_name;
COLLATE collation_name

What did you set the database character set to?

Thomas Bock:
The setting for the database and the tables is:
collation: cp1250_general_ci
characterset: cp1250

Here is an example with the german word for the french language:
VALUE;extropt=$ for update;timeout=1;cursorclose=YES;cursor_type=DYNAMIC;isolati
-}dim sgb$:iol(1)
-}write record(1)sgb$
-}read record(1,key="3")sgb$


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