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Messages - Mike King

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45] 46 47 ... 65
Which version Ubuntu?

If version 19 it was released after we finalized our development of PxPlus 2019 and it uses a new OpenSSL library that we don’t support currently as some interface calls were changed.

We have a prototype under test in-house for the next release.

Language / Re: Error 49
« on: October 16, 2019, 05:11:54 PM »

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  You should be able to put the LIKE compare inside parenthesis and it will work.

We will address this on the next build.

Programming / Re: Mail crash
« on: October 16, 2019, 12:01:28 PM »
The last series of changes made to the GET_FILE_BOX were done in 2015 in order to deal with changes in Windows.  These changes and others would have been in PxPlus 2016 and not version 9 which came out in 2011 is no longer supported.

We suggest you try a newer/supported version of PxPlus and see if it resolves your problem.

Registration and Setup / Re: Why two Activation Keys?
« on: October 16, 2019, 11:21:52 AM »
First off we STRONGLY recommend that you use current support versions of PxPlus.  Version 5 of ProvideX came out in 2001 -- that is 18 years ago and predates even Windows XP.

Next the ProvideX or "Installation Key" shipped with your order only activates enough of the system so you can perform an online product registration within 30 days of the date of install.  The install key is only temporary and ultimately you will need to get a permanent key by registering the product.  NOTE: You can enter all keys supplied with your product to temporarily enable the full functionality purchased for 30 days or until you register the install.

Registration of the software is done online.  PxPlus comes with the tools required to do an online registration, whereas for ProvideX you need to download the online registration tools.  Details on how to download/install these tools can be found at:  https://home.pvxplus.com/pgsrvr.pvp?pg=providex_activation

Again, using old unsupported ProvideX or PxPlus software is NEVER recommended.  Over the years we have made numerous changes to adapt to newer operating systems.  Running versions of ProvideX/PxPlus on operating systems that did not exist at the time of their release can result in unforeseen problems.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Webplus
« on: October 15, 2019, 05:28:18 PM »
We had plans to provide a means to send out announcements to PxPlus users however on discussions with a number of our clients we never went through with it as whatever news we send out may not be appropriate to the end users running PxPlus based applications.

For example announcing a new feature in the language may not be of any importance to a end-user of a 'canned' application until the application developers actually got around to using it.

We ultimately felt it could be more confusing and potentially problematic for the developers however we did leave the mechanism in place in case we decide otherwise in the future.

Wish List / Re: XML -> JSON CVS Translator
« on: October 15, 2019, 05:20:32 PM »

I have been looking into adding a JSON output method to the XML object.  There are however a few challenges as not all XML and JSON structures can be accommodated.

One example is how to handle XML attributes as opposed to elements.  There really is no logical equivalent in JSON so how should attributes be included?  One option would be to ignore them, another might be to just include them in the JSON. 

There is also a question of structure.  For example in XML you could have:

  <address>123 main</address>
  <name>Fred Flintsone</name>

In XML you can have multiple tags of the same name in the same element (think HTML which is based on XML).  You cannot have multiple elements of the same name in JSON; you can have an array but you would lose the element order.

So basically, we are looking at what we could provide, however not all XML constructs can be mapped to JSON,

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Most Common Setup
« on: October 15, 2019, 04:05:07 PM »

From what we know most of our clients use the PxPlus Simple CS to connect to a Windows server however some do use RDP depending on their needs.

Simple CS is generally easier to setup, uses less server resources, and is less expensive than the Windows Terminal Server or Citrix plus allows easier access and integration with the applications and files on the end-users workstation.

Another advantage with Simple CS is that the server is Host agnostic -- that is the workstation setup is the same regardless of the type of host (Windows, Linux, AIX, or MAC).

Programming / Re: Mail crash
« on: October 10, 2019, 11:07:26 AM »
We don't tend to use audiodev.dll in the Get File Box logic.  That DLL is part of the Windows services that handle your audio driver.

It should be mentioned though that a quick search on the Internet turns up a warning that some viruses use this DLL name to disguise themselves.


You may want to check your system for viruses.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Clear screen from bash
« on: October 07, 2019, 10:09:42 AM »
If the 'clear' command doesn't work for you, WindX will accept most ANSI terminal escape sequences thus you should be able to issue at the Linux command line:

 printf "\033[H\033[J"

When \033 is the octal representation of the ESC character.

Language / Re: DIM (FIND ) and LIKE
« on: October 04, 2019, 01:45:33 PM »

You don't really need to track the index yourself simply use TCB(18) as in:

Code: [Select]
  def fn_find(local _array${all},pattern$)
  _array${all}=tbl(_array${all} like pattern$,_array${all},err=*next)
  if tcb(2) \
   then return dim(read min(_array$))+tcb(18) \
   else return dim(read min(_array$))-1
  end def
  dim arr$[*]
  if idx \
   then print msg(="Entry that matches ""%3"" at index %1: %2",str(idx),arr$[idx],pattern$)

Language / Re: DIM (FIND ) and LIKE
« on: October 04, 2019, 01:18:18 PM »

Actually your post gave me another idea.  Create a dummy array of match values then return the index of the first match.

Code: [Select]
  def fn_find(local _array${all}, local TEXT$)
  local dim _match[dim(read min(_array$)):dim(read max(_array$))]
  _match{all}=_array${all} like TEXT$
  return dim(find _match{all}<>0,err=*next)
  return -1
  end def
  dim x$[1:3]
  x$[1]="Cute kitten"
  x$[2]="Playful Puppy"
  x$[3]="Noisy Bird"
  print fn_find(x${all},"Puppy")

Language / Re: DIM (FIND ) and LIKE
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:08:05 AM »
Here is a way to avoid using a FOR although it does use a bit more memory

Code: [Select]
  def fn_find(local _arrayname$, local TEXT$)
  local all$=sep+rec(cpl("IOLIST "+_arrayname$+"[ALL]"))
  return pos(sep=all$(1,pos(TEXT$=all$)),1,0)
  end def
  dim x$[1:3]
  x$[1]="Cute kitten"
  x$[2]="Playful Puppy"
  x$[3]="Noisy Bird"
  print fn_find("x$","Puppy")

The fn_find() function takes the name of the array (as a string -- not the actual array) and the text to find.  It then stuffs all elements in the array into a temporary string and scans it.

Language / Re: DIM (FIND ) and LIKE
« on: October 04, 2019, 10:27:15 AM »
The DIM FIND only accepts the standard =, <>, <, >, <=, or >= comparisons.

Registration and Setup / Re: Why two Activation Keys?
« on: October 03, 2019, 08:34:43 PM »
The ProvideX key enables the original ProvideX functionality, whereas the PxPlus key enables the PxPlus enhancements.

The use of two keys dates back to when we split off from Sage in 2005 and founded PxPlus.  While we have considered moving to a single key, we still have a number of clients using older unsupported products that require the old style keys.  Many companies buy new licenses then install old, sometimes unsupported, versions of PxPlus.

Language / Re: File performance
« on: October 02, 2019, 05:12:54 PM »
Obviously larger files take longer to read thru -- so depending on your logic larger files could increase the run time for some of your processing.

There are however a number of ways to improve performance.

  • One thing you might want to look at is, if the files are standard VLR, changing the file block size.  Typically file have a 4K block which means the file is split into a number of 4K blocks each of which can contain keys or data. A small block can result in a limitation on the number of key entries per block, especially if you have small keys.  You might type increasing the block size to improve performance. 
  • If running a current PxPlus try setting the 'XK' system parameter and reloading your files using a larger block size; this parameter allows the system to pack more keys into each block.
    For the process that they are having issue with, if it is typically run stand-alone, try LOCKING some of the files.  This improves file performance as the system does not have to worry about updated from other processes.
  • Try increasing the number of buffers for the files using the NBF= option on the OPEN or SET_NBF to increase the global buffer pool.
  • In the long running process, if you have files that you read only and don't update, try doing an OPEN LOAD on the files as this attempts to cache all or portions of the file in memory.

Lastly, make sure you processes attempts to use keys to filter the data.  I have seen instances where nightly processing simply reads through ALL records and then filters by date as opposed to reading using an alternate key that is based on the date required.

Now if all else fails, try to make sure the system is using SSD disc drives as these tend to run faster.

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