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Messages - nmartinez@bristolind.com

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Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: February 10, 2023, 12:15:43 PM »
Thank you, Mike!!  awesome information!!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: February 09, 2023, 05:39:23 PM »
One last question.. is there a global variable that receives the FULL URL as it gets to the .pxp program.
If the user types on his browser https://www.pvxplus.com/example.pxp?id=999&wo=1234567

Is there a variable that can be accessed while example.pxp is running?
Thank you!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: February 09, 2023, 12:25:55 PM »
Thank you very much Mike for the explanation!  It is greatly appreciated!!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: February 08, 2023, 06:17:11 PM »
Hi Mike.. very quick question.. when the program with the .PXP suffix runs, are we able to have a BEGIN Directive  or are we able to CALL other programs with either RUN or CALL or another way?  Just trying to understand if we need to put all the code on the program with the .PXP suffix or we can call other programs..
Thank you!

Thank you Mike!  Everything is working fine now.  We are using SSL from Let's Encrypt.

Hi Mike,
When talking with GoDaddy support, they said I needed the CSR for the EZWeb Server.  How do I get this CSR, so I can provide it to them and generate the CRT?
Thank you!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: November 08, 2022, 04:03:53 PM »

Thank you, Mike!!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: November 08, 2022, 02:17:57 PM »
Hi Mike,
Where do you change %CONTENT_TYPE$  to "application/json"?  Is this a parameter to %PRINT_FN?  I looked via pxplus manual and could not find it..
Thank you!

Now if you want to return the data as JSON (common for intra-application data exchanges) you could put the values you want to pass back into an associative array and use the DIM LIST directive to generate the JSON.  You would then output that to %PRINT_FN and change %CONTENT_TYPE$ to "application/json".

Hi Mike,
We had to put this project on hold, but will be picking it up in a couple of weeks. 

This is what we are thinking about doing:
. get an SSL for brealts@bristolind.com and this will bring us all the way to our on-prem firewall
. create a NAT rule to forward traffic from selected Tulip public IP addresses TO our on-prem private RedHat 8.3 server on port 443

Are we supposed to apply the SSL to our RedHat Linux server or just use the .PEM file with our EZWeb Server (point it to a path where this .PEM file is saved)?
Thank you, Mike!

Hi everyone,
We are looking into an option to use an SSL certificate with EZWeb Server and while reading there is a section on the EZWeb Server documentation "Automatic Security Certificate Reload" where it talks about "Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS Certificates.  Wanted to see if anyone out there is using "Let's Encrypt SSL certs" with EZWeb Server and AUTO RENEWING them automatically.
Has anyone had any issues with this type of setup?  We can always get one from GoDaddy or another place, but liked the fact that documentation says that EZWeb will automatically be updated to use renewed certificate if one is found.
ALSO, our EZWeb is running on our on-prem RedHat Linux Server Version 8.3 and we will be allowing selected external sites via Firewall forwarding to get to our EZWeb server.
Thank you!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: August 18, 2022, 06:05:30 PM »
Hi Mike,
Our JDE ERP's database is using IBM DB2.  We install "IBM System i Navigator Version 7.x " on all Windows computers, so we can choose "iSeries Access ODBC Driver" when creating the ODBC Data Source on the Windows computers (see attached file.)
Thank you.

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: August 17, 2022, 06:31:08 PM »
Hi Mike,
One last issue we are having.  Our Web Program needs to be able to access data from one of our ERPs (JD Edwards).  The way it has always been done  is by using "[WDX][ODB]" from any of our Windows computers, but the Web Program now resides on our Red Hat LINUX host server and we are using EZWeb.  How do we use DSN/ODBC on this server and this Web Program?  Do we need to install any additional software from PvxPlus, so we can use the ODBC on RedHat Linux?
Thank you!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: August 17, 2022, 04:59:50 PM »
Thank you !!
Just copied the START_UP program we use with our current ERP  to the starting directory we are using with  EZWeb server.
Our TEST application is working perfectly now thanks to you sir Mike!!

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: August 16, 2022, 02:39:02 AM »
Hi Mike,
I am using Microsoft Edge browser to test a simple program based on your example above but modified to read one of our files.  We are getting the following error message as soon as we type

Do you know why we may be getting this error?
Thank you!

Error message starts after next line
Error has occured:
! ERR=12, CTL=0, RET=2
! **********************************************************
! Level=1
! PGN="/pxplusweb/lib/_plus/apache/pxp_cgi"
!  Statement......0585
! ----
! Global variables (%...)
DIM %args$[1:1]
%HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING$="gzip, deflate"
%HTTP_USER_AGENT$="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.81 Safari/537.36 Edg/104.0.1293.54"

Web Services / Re: Setup EZWeb server on RedHat Linux 8.x Server
« on: August 15, 2022, 09:23:23 PM »
You are awesome!!  Thank you Mike! :)

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