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Topics - Patrick Denny

Pages: [1]
Nomads / Field Count, Field Separators, Number of Fields
« on: December 04, 2022, 11:13:35 PM »
I had difficulty determining the Number of Fields (Field Separators) as defined by a file's internal Dictionary.
Here is the solution I came up with to determine the Number of Field Separators:

LET FCNT = POS(SEP=REC(IOL(FCHN)),1,0) ; REM "---<<< Here's the code >>>

You could substitute $8A$ for SEP if that is required?
Use OPEN INPUT vs. OPEN, if doing an immediate CLOSE?

If issuing a DIM array definition, don't forget to reduce the number of array elements by 1, if your first ARRAY element starts at Zero (default).

DIM X$[10]  Creates 11 element array with elements X$[0] thru X$[10]
DIM X$[0:10] Same as above
DIM X$[1:6] Creates 6 element array with elements X$[1] thru X$[6]

Off Topic / AWS or other Hosted Server for production environment
« on: July 13, 2022, 02:34:20 PM »
Does anyone have experience running a PxPlus production environment on AWS (or other)?
Would running an 8 - 20 user application using Windx (full accounting, customer management, manufacturing application) run well in that environment?
Would you recommend this for a client, rather than an on-site server?

Also curious about "cost estimates" for running a PxPlus production environment (multi-user) application via a Hosted Server service such as AWS. i.e. what are the monthly/annual costs of running a multi-user application on an AWS hosted server?

Looking for options to provide "always up" service to avoid down-time, especially when running in a small company.

Error (15) occurred while connecting to
Server: “” on Socket “12000”

Linux / Appserv / Windx

After spending several long hours trying to figure out what the "network connection" issue was (it wasn't)...

I found that the "../lib/_appserv/sessions.pvk" file was corrupted.
I launched PxPlus from the command line and rebuilt the file.
Problem solved!

# Login as root
umask 0
cd /pxplus/lib/_appserv
cp sessions.pvk sessions.bak

# start PXPlus from command line
REFILE "sessions.pvk"

Hope this helps someone if it happens to you.  Took too long to find the problem!

Pages: [1]