Strange behaviour reading ctl value

Started by Sebastiaan Fisscher, August 03, 2018, 04:43:46 AM

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Sebastiaan Fisscher

If you are in a WindX session on Unix and you run the following program:
0005 PRINT 'CS'
0006 BEGIN
0010 MULTI_LINE 131,@(13,2.3,6,1),FNT="Arial,.75,B"
0020 BUTTON 1,@(13,22,10,2)="F1"
0030 SET_FOCUS 131
0040 INPUT *
0060 GOTO 0040

When you press the F1 key you get the following result:
- 131
- 1

When you run this program in a non-Unix environment it only gives back the ctl 1, which is what it should do.
Could this be looked into please?

Mike King

It sounds like the Multi line input has Signal on exit set, however I just ran this on my system here using PxPlus 2018 to a Suse Linux server and it only returned '1'.

What versions (host and WindX) are you running?

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Patrick Willems

I did noticed this when upgrading from V9.10 to V15

In V9.10 i get one ctl value = 1
In V15 i get 2 ctl value , first 131 , second 1

Suse Linux , Windx
Patrick Willems
Cotrabel Software Development

Mike King

Please update your WindX/PxPlus from our web site to get the 0002 build. 
There was an extra event caused by some Window OS changes in the 0001 build that didn't work quite right in all cases.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Sebastiaan Fisscher

Thank you for the reply! I will get it updated.