PxPlus 2018 closing when trying to use key number 17

Started by Sebastiaan Fisscher, August 01, 2018, 07:47:04 AM

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Sebastiaan Fisscher

I have a database file with 17 keys. If I try to go through a select --> next record with the 17th key PxPlus 2018 just closes down without a single message. If I try the same code on PxPlus 2017 then the program runs fine ...

Is there some parameter I need to set in order for it to work with PxPlus 2018?

Devon Austen

If PxPlus 2018 is closing without warning that means it or a library it has called has crashed. Since you are using a SELECT on a external database when it happens I suspect there is an issue with the optimized SELECT logic in PxPlus 2018.

I suggest you create a support ticket for this issue.

I also suggest that you include in the support ticket:

  • Info about what external database you are connecting to.
  • What PxPlus interface are you using to connect to it i.e. [ODB], [ADO], etc.
  • A description of the table and keys you are doing the select on, maybe even a CREATE TABLE directive for the table if possible.
  • The SELECT code it crashes on.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

James Zukowski

If I recall correctly, PxPlus keyed files only support 16 keys.
James Zukowski
Sr. Developer - J&E

Brand Industrial Services

Devon Austen

I don't think he is using PxPlus data files so the limit of 16 keys may not apply even if it did it should return an error and not crash. He also mentioned it worked in PxPlus 2017.

As a temp workaround turning on the system parameter '!O' may avoid the issue by turning off the recent optimizations on external DB selects.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Sebastiaan Fisscher

I am using a PxPlus EFF database. It's also not he key itself, I have removed a couple of keys for testing
Because of the attachments restrictions on this forum I can't give you a screencapture of what happens.

The process just dies without any error message from windows or PxPlus 2018.
While using PxPlus 2017 the program performs fine and as intended.

I filed the ticket under #849795. I attached a screen capture of the behavior of the program and an image of the keydef.

Devon Austen

Thanks for the info.

We can reproduce the issue and are working on a fix that will be included in an online update.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.