Active Window?

Started by jdegrendele, October 04, 2022, 03:33:55 PM

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Trying to determine why a nomads panel (or character window for that matter) when launched from a program and/or our menu will not come up as the active window.  Panel appears correctly, however we have to click somewhere on the panel in order for it to receive focus.  Working in version 17.1, trying to move application to Azure server with access via browser.   Application works correctly on current Windoz server with access to app via RDP.  Azure server is running Windows Server 2022.  We are not using Windx (at the moment).  Questions are:  Is this something that has been run across before?  Is there a way to force focus to a window after it has been drawn on the screen?  We've looked at 'GOTO' mneumonic but are having trouble determining the correct window ID value to place in this command (tried using *winapi;findwindow" without any luck.

Mike King

Have you tried using the SET_FOCUS command?
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting


We did.  We feel it might be how the O/S is interacting with our app (or PxPlus in general).  We've deployed on an Azure server before however that server is running 2019 server versus 2022 server.  We've been able to run the application without the focus issue when connecting to the Azure server via an RDP session.  It's only when we use a browser (doesn't matter which one we've tried them all) to connect to the Azure workstation environment and start our application from an icon there that we experience the focus issue.  Instead of us fighting a Microsoft Server version problem we were hoping to just insert some code in our program(s) to force focus to a window after it has been drawn. 

Mike King

You say you connecting using a browser.  What software package is the browser using to run your application?  Are you using iNomads?

Since it appears that the application works when using native Windows or RDP then whatever you are using is not replicating a native environment correctly.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting


Mike, we're moving the app over to another Azure server that will be running Server 2019 (just to see if we're having some sort of compatibility issue) We're not using iNomads.  Users connect to the Azure system thru their browser and are served up a remote desktop with specific icons on it.  Will provide feedback and more info next week.


After moving the application over to an Azure server running Windows Server 2019 (versus 2022) the focus issue has gone away.   We're good for now but suspect that somewhere down the road will have to address this again.

Mike King

Keep us informed, sounds like something in Azure is not handling Focus correctly. 

Considering PxPlus runs fine locally, using WindX, RDP and Azure 2019 the issue sounds like a Microsoft Windows inconsistency.  You may want to contact them although this article may be relevant to your problem:
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting


Hey jdegrendele,

We had the same issue with RemoteApp on Server 2022 but we don't think it is specifically PxPlus related. It may be because most of us likely use pop-up dialogs that aren't within a main application window that RemoteApp gets the focus incorrect.

Others are complaining too

We just rolled out new 2019 RDS servers in Azure, with our fingers crossed that the issues will be fixed in the next Windows Server version...