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Messages - pmpenchoff

Hi Edward,

There's a number of ways you can approach this, one is to set up a simple host and then connect to it via simple client using RDP to the server. Two is to use the Azure Virtual Desktop for each user and have the client installed on each.
My money's the AVD as you will be using Azure Active Directory and will provide extra MFA security.


Language / Re: DD numeric definition for SQL validation
February 06, 2023, 01:11:29 PM
Hi Paula,

Please find a link to all data types used in SQL.
Typically I have used the DOUBLE def for numbers.

Mike P.
Dear list

We have Simple host running on a 2016 Windows Server and have simple client on the same server connection to the host. The number of PvxPlus licences is 26, but we are only able to connect 22 times from the same simple client and then we get following error message:
Connect Failure:
Unable to connect to host XXXXXXX;11000
Error #0 Record/filebusy
Last OS error:
The operation completed successfully.
We are connecting to the server with RDP and running the Client from the desktop.

Any or all suggestions would be appreciated.

Mike Penchoff
Food Decision Software