Main Board > Nomads

grid button


I have a grid with a 'button' as one of the columns

if I simply move to that column using arrows, then move out again, the "change" logic is executed even
when the button wasn't pressed.

this occurs even when the column is locked

is there a way to prevent this? and/or is there a way to check if the button was pressed?  (I think one of the CTL values?)


Mike King:
This sounds like you may have SignalOnExit set which will generate a signal whenever you exit a cell.

I am surprised that the CTL or EOM is the same regardless of clicking the button or simply exiting the cel

wishlist - allow to check to see if button was pressed or simply an exit with an arrow, tab, cr or just
clicking on a different grid cel - possibly by having different EOM  (and/or CTL)


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