list_box with line borders or alternate colors?

Started by Cedric, January 18, 2023, 08:26:45 AM

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my customer complains about readability of a specific list_box and would like borders or alternate colors between each line?  I was looking in the documentation, but couldn't find anything about this?  I know I could use mnemonic to manually change the color line by line, but was wondering if there was a property or function that already existed before I alter my program to force this?



I think the 'BackHiLight1$ property is what you're looking for. Here's a link to to the page in the docs:

Rob Leighton
Riverwood Enterprises Inc.

Jane Raymond

You can also do this system-wide using:
PRINT 'OPTION'("StdRowHilight1",color$),
Jane Raymond
Software Developer
PVX Plus Technologies Ltd.

Mike King

If you are using Nomads you can set the Highlight1 (and 2) colors for the specific list box in the control properties -- (Font/Color tab).

Also if using a Report view style of list box you can enable grid lines which will provide 'borders' between each line (and potentially each column) in the list box -- (Attributes tab).
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
