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Messages - Mike King

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Language / Re: ** DISEGARD ** -> Mixed Case in Keys
« on: August 08, 2023, 11:38:16 AM »
As a follow up ---  When we store records on a keyed file the system builds a table of keys with pointers to the actual record.  The key table consists of the key field(s) extracted from the record data, so when you declare that a key is Uppercase (or Lowercase / Accented) the actual key value stored in the table is converted but not value in the record itself. 

This holds true for numeric fields where we extract the numeric value from the record and convert it into an internal representation such that the lowest negative numbers occur first followed by zero and then the positive numbers.

Language / Re: Error 11
« on: August 08, 2023, 10:57:45 AM »
Do you have any Unique alternate keys on the file.  If so then the write may fail with a DOM error due to the alternate key.

For example you might have a Order record with a primary key of order number, and a unique alternate of customer number and PO number.  If the customer/PO number were already on file you would get an DOM error of the write.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
« on: July 17, 2023, 03:56:06 PM »
Okay if I follow what you are saying ...

  • Running on the Red Hat 5.7 server using ProvideX 5.14 dies when you issue the WRITE RECORD to the WindX file.
  • Running on the Centos 7 server using ProvideX 7.71 works when you issue the WRITE RECORD to the WindX file.
(You cannot be running PxPlus anywhere given the versions you are quoting)

If the above is correct the issue is likely an incompatibility between ProvideX 5.14 and whatever WindX you are using which would not be surprising given the age of ProvideX 5.14.

You might be able to use an older WindX when connecting to version 5.14 ProvideX, but frankly I would suggest you upgrade the systems to software made at least within the past decade. 

Version 5.14 came out in 2004 and 7.71 in 2008.  Neither of these were ever designed to run on Centos 7 (circa 2014) or Windows 10 (circa 2015) so problems are to be expected.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Windx on a MAC
« on: July 14, 2023, 10:16:52 AM »
Assuming its an Intel Mac they should be able to run under Parallels (which I do) or possibly install Wine and run it there.

If the application is all GUI and developed using Nomads it may be possible to run it under iNomads however there are some limitations such as no local drive access and local code execution that are not available while running in a browser.

Now depending on the application and the portions they want to run you may find you can implement the required functionality using Webster+.   It supports running reports, charts, and queries using existing program/query definitions.  Also the file maintenance generator can generate screens for the Web both maintenance screens and queries.

Nomads / Re: Checking if 'Fired Off From' Nomads
« on: July 14, 2023, 10:12:49 AM »

You likely could use TCB( 8 ) to see if there is anything on the GOSUB stack since if the routine is PERFORMED then the GOSUB stack will be empty.

Code: [Select]
0010 GOSUB test
0020 PERFORM PGN+";test"
0030 GOSUB test2
0040 END
0050 !
0060 test2:
0070 PERFORM PGN+";test"
0090 test:
0100 PRINT "TCB ( 8 )=",TCB(8)

TCB ( 8 )= 20
TCB ( 8 )= 0
TCB ( 8 )= 0

Web Services / Re: Google Maps
« on: July 14, 2023, 09:39:58 AM »
Here's another option:

(Replace spaces with + as per standard URL encoding)

Returns JSON

Web Services / Re: Google Maps
« on: July 14, 2023, 09:37:42 AM »
There are a number of easy to use web based API's you can use for this.

For example https://positionstack.com/documentation

Do a google query and they will point you to various options.  There may be a cost involved if you do a lot of calls but casual requests often are available at no charge.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
« on: July 07, 2023, 10:40:15 AM »

Yes -- I would expect Windows to complain if the directory was not writable when creating a file.

One thing you might try is when connected via WindX try entering the following at PxPlus command line:

cp ** [lcl]c:\somedir\somefile

The CP command does basically what you are trying to do -- so the above will copy the system utility ** to the local c:\somedir\somefile.  Do this without an error_handler active so any error should be reported locally.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
« on: July 05, 2023, 02:44:07 PM »
We have no way to assist as that software is from 2008 and no longer supported (Its over 15 years old).

I would probably try a different local file pathname (perhaps c:\infor is read only). If they are running anti-virus software you might try disabling that in case it kills any program that it doesn't recognize that attempts to write to the PC disc.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
« on: July 04, 2023, 11:11:54 AM »
Ah -- you are correct.

Now as for your issue we would need to know which instruction is failing.
Also, I assume you are using the WindX that matched the version of ProvideX you are using.  Older ProvideX may have issues with PxPlus WindX as there were additional features such as security to consider.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Server to Windx failure
« on: July 03, 2023, 01:48:55 PM »
You have doubled the [wdx] references.

You are passing the SERIAL command to windx due the [wdx] prefix on the EXECUTE string, and there the file name is [wdx]c:\in... which would be wrong since the command is already executing on the WindX workstation.

And yes, you should be embarrassed for still running that old a version ;)

Nomads / Re: Popup menu missing the target
« on: June 28, 2023, 06:17:45 PM »
When you have a folder the screen sets a scroll region around the folder area and as such the 'Col and 'Line will reflect the location relative this scroll region.

If you are popup menu you can generally just omit the location and the system will position the popup_menu below the control that currently being processed or the current mouse position.

Here is a program that you can use to demo this behaviour.

0010 PRINT 'CS',
0020 BUTTON 10,@(10,10,10,10)="Hit me"
0030 CHECK_BOX 11,@(5,5,30,1)="Click here"
0040 MULTI_LINE 12,@(5,8,30,1),MNU=99
0050 WHILE 1
0060 OBTAIN (0,SIZ=1)'BI',*,'EI'
0080 POPUP_MENU "-[&File,&Edit]",x
0090 WEND

Wish List / Re: An updated Eclipse Plugin
« on: June 26, 2023, 11:07:07 AM »
The Sage plugin won't recognize UTF-8 since ProvideX did not support it.

Have you tried the ED+?  Its basically the ACE editor with a number of PxPlus specific enhancements.  Also if using iNomads or Webster+ it works in a browser.

Programming / Re: Screen Position of a Control
« on: June 25, 2023, 02:35:16 PM »

Why did you want to know the screen position for a control?
Also, for most controls you can reference the 'Top and 'Left properties to get the pixel co-ordinates of a control relative to the window they are in.  This may be easier than using the OBJ function.

Programming / Re: PxPlus 2023 Projects
« on: May 29, 2023, 09:57:01 AM »
No problem,

We had a lot of discussions at this end as how to rework the projects information is the existing setup didn't take in things like WindX, shared PCS, and Linux very easily.  Hopefully the new approaches will solve this issue -- but as stated in the release notes there was no easy way for us to migrate existing settings so you need to re-define your projects.

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