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Messages - Peter.Higgins

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9
Wish List / Re: Enumeration Sequencing
« on: November 08, 2018, 08:31:13 AM »

"By the way, LET a,b,c=0 would be nice as well."

read data from $$ to a,b,c,iol=nomadsVars$,tmp$
read data from "" to a,b,c ,iol=nomadsVars$,tmp$ 

Suppressing the "highly practical" LET is an option too. 
Personally I find them distracting, and suspect they are a prime reason for BASIC disdain.

Wish List / Re: DELETE Records
« on: November 08, 2018, 08:24:48 AM »

This functionality is pretty favorable for a generic object or called program, passing the "file, kno, begin, end, where"

Nomads / Object Nomads Issue version 1400
« on: November 07, 2018, 09:52:01 AM »
I believe this is corrected but I cannot find an entry on the forum or in the old mail list.

When using object nomads in version 1400, the nomads fields with suppress val do not refresh when the ML variable is assigned and _obj'RefreshScrn() method is complete. 
I have had to manually assign the controlname.ctl'Value$=controlname$ to see the data on the screen.   

Update:  By replacing _obj'RefreshScrn() with Refresh_flg=1 and auto refresh checked the refresh works. 

Programming / Trace issue baffling me
« on: November 06, 2018, 05:19:12 PM »
When I trace a program in one environment I get this.  Centos7  to Windows via windx SSH
Any Ideas of what to try to fix it?  Nothing other than Host -> programs selected.   

WriteFile of 5 says it wrote 5
WriteFile of 6 says it wrote 6
Recvd Maj/Min:P/  Len:6 Crc=478C
Recvd Maj/Min:./p Len:32 Crc=75EA
<h> Recvd CTL:10009 EOM=$00802719$
 .. Acking ./p Data len=0 (AE)
Recvd Maj/Min:S/R Len:0 Crc=0000
 .. Acking S/R Data len=2 (53)
WriteFile of 11 says it wrote 11
Recvd Maj/Min:./p Len:42 Crc=FD02
<h> WinProc Cmd='' (Cur scrn=ÔYPE CTL=10009)
 .. Acking ./p Data len=0 (AE)
Recvd Maj/Min:P/  Len:6 Crc=80CD
Recvd Maj/Min:P/  Len:3 Crc=2341
Recvd Maj/Min:S/R Len:0 Crc=0000
 .. Acking S/R Data len=2 (53)
WriteFile of 11 says it wrote 11
Recvd Maj/Min:P/  Len:3 Crc=A484
Recvd Maj/Min:P/  Len:6 Crc=80CD

Programming / Re: SafeArray from Linux
« on: November 02, 2018, 05:15:31 PM »
Our windx is connected by ssh.
Running lcl mode I was limited to around 4K which took 35 seconds for 1000 lines of just 5 cells.  Didn't bother counting the included array process as inconsequential.   About the same as writing it by cell.  Clip board time is around a second for 500k writes. 

So it makes sense to just send data to an windx object if it can exceed the 4k limit or avoid the marshalling with small packets. 

Programming / Re: SafeArray from Linux
« on: November 02, 2018, 03:57:40 PM »
Thanks Mike,

Have had a copy of the OLE safe array logic for years.   Works fine on a windows server. 
I've never been able to successfully use the OLE interface from Linux.  Always get an error too difficult to figure out somewhere.   *obj/excel almost worked.  At the bottom is an error probably tied to the largest windx string size which I am not sure of but 30,000 characters got the same error.
Error #99: Feature not supported.

Error #99: Feature not supported

0010 !
0020 FOR r=1 TO 1000
0030 FOR c=1 TO 25
0040 data$+="R"+STR(r)+"C"+STR(c)+SEP
0050 NEXT c
0055 !
0060 NEXT r
0070 !
0080 strt=TMR(3)
0090 !
0100 xl=NEW("[lcl]*obj/excel")
0110 xl'createworkbook("")
0120 xl'write(data$,"A1:Y1000")
0130 xl'visible=1
0140 !
0160 END
0120 xl'write(data$,"A1:Y1000")
Error #46: Length of string invalid
Current program is <unsaved>, line 120

Programming / SafeArray from Linux
« on: November 02, 2018, 12:38:35 PM »
Has anyone tried using the dim structure with pxplus to create a safe array on a linux server.  I'd like to bulk transfer to excel without using the clip board.  Just wondering if there was any point in trying this. 

typedef struct tagSAFEARRAY {
  USHORT         cDims;
  USHORT         fFeatures;
  ULONG          cbElements;
  ULONG          cLocks;
  PVOID          pvData;
  SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];


Language / Re: Parameter Questions
« on: November 01, 2018, 07:19:15 PM »

Retried today and it works as expected. 

I had just set my 2018 license and had not rebooted when I got the error.  Yesterday I was getting red text and a syntax error doing x=x$ and vice versa on line one and two with line numbering off, (my normal), and could save the program with warnings.  Since it was all syntax errors on save,  it was blank on re-opening.  I think the 2018 was a Direxions version so perhaps it updated, or a reboot corrected the issue.   

Otherwise very convenient indeed as this is one of the few typos I am prone to make in UltraEdit text coding and should fix itself on pasting.   

Language / Re: Parameter Questions
« on: November 01, 2018, 07:00:27 PM »

Yes I did test with the str() function when it gave the error. 

Language / Parameter Questions
« on: October 30, 2018, 08:45:40 PM »
Had some questions on these system parameters and was wondering if
anyone has experience to share.

'AC'         Auto convert numbers & Strings
Appears to be a command line input only parameter.  Both Editors choke in 2018. 
Since it is new in 2017 I assume there is a reason for it, perhaps SQL? 

'AD'         Auto-DIM's an array.
Does the Auto Dim just work on {all} assignments? 
Tried  for loop and got the expected error assigning an array element to an undeclared array element. 

'BT'         Binary Test: 1st Read
Not sure how this is different.  Thought isz always meant binary.

This one looks useful.  But I still get an error 43 on a 17 digit number and 15 digit plus 4 commas mask.  Does it need to be combined with something? 
'F,'         Suppress Commas on Numeric Overflow

Solved it. 
I messed up the curl download and displayed the install on the console by accident.
Terminal in SSH account was VT100 which worked until I got the file downloaded and did the new install. Changed the account terminal to Linux and it made the display readable.

On a new RedHat install, I am getting a lot of special characters
For instance when I type  the following, the replies are unintelligible.
I do not see an term=ansi /export term in the instructions.  Would that help?

Program 'STARTUP' does not exist
Error #12: File does not exist (or already exists)
Last file accessed STARTUP

Programming / Non Nomads draggable widget.
« on: October 24, 2018, 01:57:36 PM »
I created a progress bar using a pseudo widget object.  At the moment it is static where it was placed or auto-centered,  and I would like to allow the user to be able to drag it around the screen when desired on busy panels.   Removing the opt="h" flag did not make a difference either as child or as stand alone dialog. I cannot find anything else that might apply.     What makes a widget drag-able?

Programming / Re: provide many PNGs to WindX
« on: October 08, 2018, 10:29:11 AM »
The static download to the clients works well for stuff that doesn't change often like button images and avoids repetitive network load.  Not answering your question, but I don't see a large upside to creating the dll for distribution or client loading given Austen's observation other than obscurring your graphics.

Programming / Re: Sort By Header Question
« on: August 23, 2018, 05:25:13 PM »
Thanks Mike,

In order to sort by header when using nomads using your method, I assume signal All will have to be set for the grid Focus event?   I've noticed with that configuration from the last question the captured grid focus CTL was always the control.ctl plus 15000 regardless of the navigation key or mouse button.  Is this normal as well? 

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