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Topics - Sebastiaan Fisscher

Wish List / New TinyMCE editor
November 20, 2018, 06:19:02 AM
Could it be possible to include the new TinyMCE editor in the new version of PxPlus?
The new editor looks a lot better and has improved options, making us able to create professional looking and performing TinyMCE panels.
Wish List / Designing panels using pixels as measurement
September 17, 2018, 06:11:56 AM
Could it be possible to add the ability to design panels without line/column references but with pixels measurement tools?
Wish List / Autocomplete variables and subroutines
August 10, 2018, 05:57:47 AM
Could it be possible to auto-complete variables and subroutines while programming in ED+?
We found that the ACE editor does indeed support live autocompletion:
(fourth checkbox from below)

Could it be possible to add this as a setting in the ED+ editor? (autocompletion on/off)

Wish List / Error on line in ED+
August 10, 2018, 05:20:59 AM
When you have a bad line of code in the ED+ it this with a red cross icon in front of the line.
The icon is a good indicator, but it would be even better to add a red background or red letters for the bad line of code, so it's even more visible.
Wish List / ED+ max amount of program lines
August 10, 2018, 04:35:13 AM
The max amount of line number in ED+ is somewhere arround 1 million, which is pretty impressive.
However, when you hit the 1 million mark, the program freezes up and cannot be closed by normal means. It would be more user friendly to at least give an error message, or some other form of feedback that the user has reached the maximum number of program lines.
Wish List / Disabled dropbox items
August 09, 2018, 08:57:28 AM
Sometimes a user should be able to see the choice in a dropbox, but not be able to choose that option.
It could be that the choice needs to be in there for historic purposes or that a combination of settings allows it to be seen but not chosen.

Could it be possible build in a feature that disables dropbox choices?
Wish List / Create new ddf from datadictionary window
August 09, 2018, 08:00:27 AM
At the moment it's not possible to create a new ddf and dde from the Data Dictionary Maintenance window.
I really miss this option, I usually need to find and copy/paste an empty providex.ddf/dde to the new folder, or empty out an existing one.

Could there please be an option to create a new providex.dde/ddf from the Data Dictionary Maintenance menu?
* I mean creating a new ddf/dde and choosing the desired folder.
Wish List / Nomads+ pointer tool
August 09, 2018, 06:31:37 AM
The Nomads+ interface style is pretty much the quickest and best way to completely restyle a panel, as well as THE way to create full hd panels. One of the things that is really hindering me in my work is the way the 'Group items' tool works.

The group items tool does exactly what it's supposed to do, it groups items and the selection process is pretty good. It doesn't matter where you start dragging the selection, it always does what you want it to do, until you want to select a single control.
Selecting a single control with the group items tool is a bit of a hassle, usually I tend to double click on a control to select it (double clicking draws the selecting lines and selects the control instantly). While doing so, Nomads expects that I want to edit the control via the properties window, though a lot of times I just want to move the control around.
Of course I can select the single control by dragging a selection, but I can't do that if there is another control behind it.
At the moment the way I do this is to quickly switch to a different control tool (for example the Button control tool). This way I can select a single control(I often forget I have it selected and end up drawing a massive button.).

The pointer tool however does exactly what I'd expect out of a selection tool.

The only thing the pointer tool is bad at is starting a selection on a control. It tends to select the control where you start dragging the selection, which can be annoying at times.
Could it be possible to get the best of both worlds in a new pointer/group items tool? The selection ability from the group items tool and the rest of the functionality that the pointer tool offers.
Also, the property sheets interface highlights the Pointer tool on startup, while the Nomads+ highlights the Button tool. From a usability standpoint it would be better to also highlight the Group items tool first. The tab order would be a possible issue here, maybe the button for the tool would have to be shifted to the left for it to be effective.
Wish List / ED+ shortcuts
August 09, 2018, 06:28:49 AM
A number of shortcut options are missing from the ED+ editor if you compare it to IT.
For instance the CTRL+N (New program), CTRL+P (print) and CTRL+G (goto label or line-number).

Especially the CTRL+G and CTRL+N are shortcuts we really miss in the editor. Could the ED+ get the same shortcut options as IT?
Wish List / Complete black ED+ layout
August 08, 2018, 09:17:33 AM
At the moment it's possible to choose a colour layout in ED+. This is a great feature which can replace the white background for an 'easy on the eyes' black background. The other colours in the pallet also work in creating a less 'eye-stress heavy' editor window.
These settings only apply to the actual coding area, the surrounding ED+ window stays the same white+red. Could it be possible to change the background colour of the rest of the GUI as well?
Wish List / ED+ tab enhancement
August 08, 2018, 08:58:15 AM
In the ED+ editor there is a left menu that show the available labels in the program. In the original IT you also had the choice to expand or collapse these labels, which made it more clear where to look for a certain label/variable and you didn't need to scroll so much to find what you were looking for.

Could this also be implemented into ED+?


Also, variables and methods no longer show up in the left side-menu in ED+. Could they be shown as well in the ED+ bookmarks section somehow?
Wish List / More controls on Nomads panels
August 08, 2018, 08:37:39 AM
At the moment there is an object control cap at 200 items. This is 200 items total on the screen, weither or not they are on folders or not. If you place more controls you start getting errors while starting up the panel.
With the increase in screen resolution Nomads screens keep getting bigger, and we have had to split up a couple of dashboards screens unfortunately because we couldn't place the desired amount of controls.
It would be appreciated if you could let us place more controls.
It is possible to use a Grid Find command to get data from a grid; GRID FIND ctl_id,col,row,var$[,ERR=stmtref]
However, the fact you can't use the actual name of the column (grid.ctl'column$). GRID FIND would be more flexible if you would be able to use it like this:
GRID FIND ctl_id,(col or col$),row,var$[,ERR=stmtref]

This way, when a grid column needs to be added in between, the code will always keep working like intended. The other upside is that the code gets more readable, the name of a gridcolumn is far more understandable than a number.

It would be very helpful if you could add the ability to search on grid column names with GRID FIND.
Programming / Strange behaviour reading ctl value
August 03, 2018, 04:43:46 AM
If you are in a WindX session on Unix and you run the following program:
0005 PRINT 'CS'
0006 BEGIN
0010 MULTI_LINE 131,@(13,2.3,6,1),FNT="Arial,.75,B"
0020 BUTTON 1,@(13,22,10,2)="F1"
0030 SET_FOCUS 131
0040 INPUT *
0060 GOTO 0040

When you press the F1 key you get the following result:
- 131
- 1

When you run this program in a non-Unix environment it only gives back the ctl 1, which is what it should do.
Could this be looked into please?
I have a database file with 17 keys. If I try to go through a select --> next record with the 17th key PxPlus 2018 just closes down without a single message. If I try the same code on PxPlus 2017 then the program runs fine ...

Is there some parameter I need to set in order for it to work with PxPlus 2018?