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Thin Client/WindX / Re: Computer using two user sl...
Last post by EVa - July 16, 2024, 08:05:12 AM
When you connect to the server and click the icon in the upper left corner of the window and select 'About PxPlus' in the menu that appears, does it show serial number 799995 or something else ?
Thin Client/WindX / Computer using two user slots.
Last post by dlocke - July 15, 2024, 09:08:58 AM
I'm having an issue where a user is using two licenses when connecting to a SimpleCS server  from the one PC.  The first connection uses one user slot and the next one uses a new user slot, every connection after this uses the same slot as the second connection. This results in the same user using 2 licenses on the same PC.

I'm using TCB(27) to check the user slot, this the correct way to check this ?  Also TCB(24) is showing two licenses used. 

Last post by bbssupport - July 12, 2024, 08:53:10 PM
PERFECT! Thank you :)
Wish List / Re: Forum search too strict
Last post by martinp - July 12, 2024, 02:02:13 PM
Awesome!  It was also before I was just too lazy to complain thanks a lot :)
Wish List / Re: Forum search too strict
Last post by Devon Austen - July 12, 2024, 12:13:37 PM
The new rule was the default after the update. I have fixed it to no limit.
Wish List / Forum search too strict
Last post by martinp - July 12, 2024, 11:03:30 AM
Forum Search too strict. 

The 5 second rule is too harsh, can this be eased up maybe after 3 consecutive searches or something.

I find myself playing a game to do searches here.
Last post by EVa - July 12, 2024, 03:07:33 AM
Allright - change line 20 to:


(add ;; after [ODB]).
Programming / Re: Question about reading a d...
Last post by nrh7 - July 11, 2024, 09:59:26 PM
Ah great thanks for the reply.

I "think" I saw somewhere some day to either READ or SELECT from a data file as if they were numeric but I don't really remember where.

If not I'll have to try some different option like PAD.
Last post by bbssupport - July 11, 2024, 06:49:14 PM
Yes I am - as stated, the same connection string works fine with the pxpsql.exe command
Programming / Re: Question about reading a d...
Last post by Cedric - July 11, 2024, 03:49:15 PM
If you want to keep your data in a string, I think you should PAD your string to the left before saving to your database if that field is part of a key. 

So in your database, the data would be something like:

"       300"
"       315"
"      3100"

I'm not sure what these numbers are, but if they are a unique no, like a customer number for example, we would pad to the left with zeros instead of blanks.

Perhaps there's a better way, but this is how we do it.