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Programming / Re: REST to GRAPHQL
Last post by Ron Klassen - February 06, 2025, 09:45:19 PM
I tried to set up a simple query to get the name and address of a customer, and I am getting nowhere. I can't figure out how to define the GraphQL query. Do you have an example GraphQL query you could share?
Programming / Re: REST to GRAPHQL
Last post by Ron Klassen - February 06, 2025, 04:31:22 PM
Thanks Loren, I appreciate any assistance you can provide. I'm going to convert a few simple REST functions to GraphQL and see how it goes.
Do you still use the same *plus/web/request endpoints?
Language / KEYED File Indexes
Last post by steezware - February 06, 2025, 11:51:10 AM
Overview - which I'm sure everyone already knows...

* One can access a KEYED file by either key or index.
* One can fetch the index for a given record by key value doing...
    rcdIdx = IND(ch, KEY=keyValue$)
  ...and if one knows the index for a record its corresponding key value can be fetched...
    rcdKey$ = KEY(ch, IND=idxValue)

* When a record is updated, the index remains the same for a record, of course.
* If a record is removed and access to it is attempted by index an error 117 is raised.

With all that background, here is my question:

Do indexes get reused?  That is, when a record is deleted will the interpreter assign a previously-used index to a newly created record?
ODBC / Re: More than 1 INI file ina C...
Last post by Devon Austen - February 06, 2025, 08:52:39 AM
In your INI file were you specify the table name you can point to a alternate INI for were the table definition can be.

Look at the alternate option.
ODBC / More than 1 INI file ina Catal...
Last post by suriakumar - February 06, 2025, 01:27:10 AM

We are using Leagacy files (Non-Normazlized data file)

Each module has more pxplus data files.

Each Pxplus data file has Huge amount of Record typeS (Each record type has seperate MUSTBE value.  You have a attribute called "MUSTBE" when we create INI file).

Since each pxplus data file has multiple record type,  i am in a position to create huge amount of DATA TABLES to convert it.   I can not depend on single INI file to create all the tables.  IE.,  INI table has huge amount of table definition.  without depending on single INI file i am in a position to create multiple INI files for a single MODULE. 

So it is possible to use multiple INI files in a single catalog of PXPLUS SQL Server ? .  We have a CATALOG option in PXPLUS SQL SERVER Configuration where we use this ini file. IN this CATALOG field is it possible to enter more number of INI files ?  .  If not what are the other options to solve my problem.


Off Topic / PVX events, meetups, groups in...
Last post by eisam - February 02, 2025, 12:11:22 AM
Hey all,

I'm newer in the PVX world. Looking to connect with any PVX related activity in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Figure this may be a long shot, but: Are there any PVX meetups or groups in LA? Or San Francisco or Las Vegas?

- Sam
Nomads / Moving a Grid Column
Last post by Jeffrey Ferreira - January 30, 2025, 03:56:09 PM
is there a way programatically to move a grid column once the grid is drawn..
i.e. something like shift column over 2 columns
Programming / Multi Line - Highlight all tex...
Last post by martinp - January 28, 2025, 09:11:43 AM
Hey can I Highlight all text on focus?

I've noticed on data entry if you click a field with mouse it doesn't highlight the entire field, when you TAB it highlights the field. 

I cant seem to highlight an entire field very easily.  You can create a button under and setting NEXT_ID will do it.  Anyway to do this on focus?

This might have been just a windows thing for the last 30 years, just seeing if this is something that would help my users.

iNomads / Auto Refresh panel setting in ...
Last post by PMM_CAI - January 21, 2025, 03:32:19 PM
Hello! Using PxPlus 2022 & iNomads 19.1. Does the Auto Refresh panel setting not work in iNomads? Tests that I've done suggest it does not. I was hoping to avoid adding Refresh_Flg=1 in multiple routines. But with just Auto Refresh on, when a routine completes and I'm back on the panel in iNomads, certain objects were e.g. staying displayed/hidden when the routine was supposed to have done the opposite, or multilines had values displaying even though the routine cleared them.

I appreciate whatever feedback there might be.

Paula McKeever
CAI Software
Webster Plus / Re: Webster+ Help
Last post by EVa - January 21, 2025, 06:40:21 AM
You should probably test if PxPlus works correctly after setting

export PXP_SSL_LIB=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
export PXP_CRYPTO_LIB=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Just start PxPlus and enter this at the prompt in console mode:

OPEN (1)"[TCP];443;secure"

That should not return an error.  If it does show an error, PRINT MSG(-1) will tell you why that is failing.