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Messages - martinp

July 22, 2024, 08:25:39 PM
OMG Mike King to the rescue years later... Thank you for this..

So I am using an Nginx Reverse Proxy to have multiple web servers on one server, and of course $REMOTE_IP$ was giving the IP of the Proxy server.

After googling I found my way here, I used DUMP(%PRINT_FN) To see all the variables Mike was talking about and sure enough there it was:

%HTTP_X_REAL_IP$  which was exactly what I needed thank you

It also had


But they had %HTTP as a prefix.

Maybe this is what the documentation was referring to with:

Maybe this could be clarified in the online document.

Anyway just wanted to give an update on this.  Thanks
Wish List / Re: Forum search too strict
July 12, 2024, 02:02:13 PM
Awesome!  It was also before I was just too lazy to complain thanks a lot :)
Wish List / Forum search too strict
July 12, 2024, 11:03:30 AM
Forum Search too strict. 

The 5 second rule is too harsh, can this be eased up maybe after 3 consecutive searches or something.

I find myself playing a game to do searches here.
Programming / Re: To ERR 65 or not to err 65
May 07, 2024, 10:50:57 AM
Must be due to an upgrade in pxplus that causes this perhaps due to object properties?  I dont know if any PRM would help you here.

Can you add an err=*NEXT  to your controls...    This must be some legacy code?

0010 BEGIN
0020 MULTI_LINE 115,@(10,10,10,10)
0030 MULTI_LINE 115,@(10,10,10,10),ERR=*NEXT
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Auto Updater
December 19, 2023, 12:42:00 PM
I see for some reason I was thinking of exploding the entire "C:\PVX Plus Technologies\WindX Plugin-64 2023 Upd 1"  and creating my own source/installer.  But I see that's just going backywards, downloading your packaged .exe and then doing what you suggest may be easier.  Let me try a few things.

I found this thread here :

I just need to disable that security question people will pick wrong one!
I saw some notes on WDXTRUST

Ok let me try a few things,

Thanks Mike :)
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Auto Updater
December 19, 2023, 10:34:32 AM
Thanks but the static looks like more for fixed items not really updating WindX itself?

Does anyone make their own .exe to load pxplus onto the desktops?  I used to use Installshield and make a nice installer which makes the icon everything.  I guess with everyone moving to web based this is not as popular anymore.

Thin Client/WindX / Auto Updater
December 13, 2023, 11:09:03 AM
Hi, Is there an actual updater that updates windx itself on a clients machine from an older windx?  or is it only custom files such as static/dynamic pictures that is used for this auto updater?

"AutoUpdater to automatically check for and install critical patches/upgrades on all client workstations"

I see nothing in the documentation how this works?  Thanks
Programming / Re: Future of PVX plus?
December 02, 2023, 03:12:34 PM
Thanks!  All the best to the Kings! :)
Programming / Future of PVX plus?
November 30, 2023, 08:59:15 PM
Hi I was just wondering what is in store for the future of PVX PLUX?  Will there still be yearly developments?
Worked!  Thank you!
Thanks Mike, Maybe my version of Ubunti 22 is not the same?

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 Server LTS

Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-72-generic x86_64)

Linux art-orion 5.15.0-72-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 19 08:22:18 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

PxPlus-2023 Demo (Ver:20.00/UNIX-Linux-Ubuntu) Serno:2000-664-0799999
(c) Copyright 2005-2023 PVX Plus Technologies Ltd. (All rights reserved)
Error #13: File access mode invalid
Last IO to [tcp];443;secure, channel 1
Unable to locate SSL library (libcrypto) (err/ret=2/2)
Hi thanks for releasing pvxplus 2023.

No luck with Ubuntu 22 and openssl still I need to assign:

export PXP_SSL_LIB=/usr/local/lib/
export PXP_CRYPTO_LIB=/usr/local/lib/

And I now am getting a new error:

Could not locate entry point 'OSSL_PROVIDER_load' in libcrypto library.
Likely an incompatible SSL Interface. (err/ret=2/2)

Do I need to install OpenSSL 3.1 for this to work?


Programming / Jonas Software
April 27, 2023, 10:49:42 AM
Read the notification from Jonas software.  So how does going with Jonas help push providex to move forward with new technology?
Pvxplus 2023? Coming soon?  Can't wait!!   :)
Programming / Ai future?
April 12, 2023, 12:51:55 PM
Hey Everyone.  With the Ai craze going about.  I was wondering how this can tie into anything PVX Plus related. I haven't done anything personally other than play with Chat GPT but I was wondering how we can use some of these tools in future or what not.  Just curious!  Thanks for any thoughts.