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Messages - dalem

ODBC / ODBC output from UPS Worldship
February 20, 2024, 05:16:49 PM
Any help or insight into this is appreciated!
on the off-chance the ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) in the error refers to UPS not being able to find it's own fields linked to ours in a writable PX+ file, I went in and re-did the mapping to make sure.

using 32 byte version of both ups & px+ odbc 5.2. Since the only similar error was responded with "why such an old version", its more of a decision above me.

This is the px+ driver log from the ODbc. The attached picture is what the UPS software and/or driver pops up with.
\\mcvan-app01\E\Share\CSV_FILES\UPS_EXPORT\UPS_EXPORT.ini , available 3 table(s)
ISAMCloseTable: Closing table UPS_EXPORT1 - 0 file reads, 0 re-reads, 0 writes, 0 removes
     CACHE STATS - 0 reads, size 9216 estimated, 0 used
Driver version: 5.20.0000
ISAMOpen: UserID='cai-support', length=11
ISAMOpen: Trying to access the server using UserID='cai-support', Company=''

ISAMClose: <3> S0000 S0000 [PxPlus][ODBC Driver][FILEIO]Not supported
There's a wealth of info in the 100+ extra columns available on a server's MS Explorer. For instance, on an email file generated by PX+, there's addresses & subject. Unfortunately, given the nature of the beast, sorting and/or filtering just doesn't work (often too many files). Is there a way to pull in that extended (directory? file?) info from the Fin/Fid/Whatever?
Programming / Resize pictures for Excel
September 25, 2019, 12:14:40 PM
I've got a report that creates an excel spreadsheet. Each row data for an inventory item, with on cell being an image.
Of course, no 2 images are the same size.
I load the image into the cell:
31100       let POS$="C"+str(EXCEL_ROW)
31105       EXCEL_OBJ'RANGE(POS$)'SELECT() ! Specific current cell
31110       let PICTURE$=%_IMAGEDIR$+IMAGE$
Looking at a VB script, when I resize an image to .25 inches:
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture 3")).Select
    Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 18
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture 4")).Select
    Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 18

So, apparently each pic has a 'name'. Lucky, I kept count, and tried this:
32052>      for X=1 to IMAGES_FOUND
32053       let IMAGE_NAME$="Picture "+str(X)
32062       next X

But the "Let Ranges" is giving me an error 88.

Any ideas? Is there a better way?
OK, that makes sense.
What I really wanted was to see if there was a way, regardless of the current range, to make the line specific.
e.g. if I have a routine start at 1100 (8 lines @ incr 10 to make range 1100-1170, I want a specific line 1190...if I add 5 lines and renumber 1100+ to 1100 incr 10, the range would become 1100-1220, that end line would now be 1290.
So, from what you've shown 1190!^90 would be reduced to 1170, then move out to 1260 when lines were added.

Ah well!
Language / Better documentation of rem/renumber?
May 15, 2019, 12:08:34 PM
The current REM (!) and renumber documentation is a bit vague. While it does disclose that:
If a remark line starts with a number (e.g. 4000 REM 4000), PxPlus uses the number as the absolute line number

It fails to detail other effects. Below is example of several variations.

  • a single non-zero digit adds that to the previous line# (assuming a previous spacing of '10'
  • a 2nd digit of zero (eg 10,100) restarts the numbering at the next 10s or 100s place

After that, it breaks there anything to make sense of this?

01050 !
01060 !
01061 ! ^1
01071 !
01080 ! ^10
01090 !
01100 ! ^11 ignored? 10?
01110 !
01221 ! ^111 ??
01231 !
01265 ! ^115
01275 !
01477 ! ^211
01487 !
01500 ! ^100
01510 !
01520  return
Programming / Possible to insert images into Excel?
January 07, 2019, 10:16:58 AM
if we build an excel spreadsheet using the "Excel_obj" process, is there a to insert picture?