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Messages - Cedric

Programming / EOM$ on grid tabmode
January 17, 2025, 11:30:21 AM
Hey guys,

I'm struggling to figure this one out.  I have 2 grids which "I think" has the same parameters.  So, same tabmode and entermode properties.

One of the grid, when I tab through the cells to the last column, it generates a code $09$ which I use to validate the user has he tabbed his way out of the last cell on the line.

Now, I have other grids which doesn't generate $09$, but $00$ instead.  The last cell is not locked and it's the same celltype.  I really don't see any difference.

Perhaps, somebody has an idea what could be the difference?  There must be something that I am missing!!!
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
November 28, 2024, 03:55:16 PM
That is me screaming! loL!

I tried so many things Yesterday that I think I have changed the parameter U8... Now if I leave the default parameter that is set to 0, it works!   The only thing I need to do if I want to use the *tools/sms utility is to encode in UTF8... So MyMessageInUtf8$=cvs(MyMessage$,"NATIVE:UTF8") ...  I believe the utility already does the URL encode.

Thanks Mike for the tip. 
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
November 28, 2024, 01:04:15 PM
Hey guys,

yes, I am using *tools/sms and I confirm that it doesn't work with twilio if you use accented characters.
That being said, we did also create our own http request to twilio, but since I can't URL encode in UTF8, it won't work unless I implement my own URL encode function.

Mike, to answer your question, yes, I tried all of that and no... it doesn't work.  Twilio doesn't interpret html code... It literally sends this to SMS : "This is test é" .   
Programming / url encode utf8
November 27, 2024, 05:33:22 PM
Hi, is there a way to urlencode a string in UTF8?  I am trying to use the SMS tool with twilio and can't figure it out the encoding issues.  Actually, I did figure out why, but can't figure how to fix without creating my own function to encode and send the http request manually.

So, pvx sends the value "%E9" for the character "é" instead of "%C3%A9".  Obviously, this isn't UTF8 and twilio seems to only work with UTF8. So the result is that SMS has some unreadable characters.

I've tried pretty much every combos possible with CVS, but without success!

Anyone knows how to URL encode a string in UTF8?

Programming / Re: Optimizing printing speed through Windx
November 12, 2024, 05:23:47 PM
In this case, displaying the PDF and then print is not an option!  We are talking about a wholesaler that prints thousands of pick list/invoice per day from their delivery module.  If it takes them a few more clicks or seconds per print, they get annoyed and call me on speed dial! loL!

Programming / Re: Optimizing printing speed through Windx
November 12, 2024, 04:17:30 PM
No one?   I think the method of sending combined "print" instructions to limit the number of "print" calls to the printer channel via WINPRT would probably work, but requires to rewrite a bunch of generic programs we use to print.  So I have opted for another method, which is to print to PDF on the server, transfer the PDF on the workstation and then send the pdf to printer via INVOKE and with a third party .exe that I've found on the web called PDFToPrinter.exe.   I know, I could've use the "system_help print" directive, but can't specify a printer with this which is important for our application.

That trick seemed to have fixed the issue and printing went from 12 seconds to 3 seconds.  It's pretty close than printing through VPN from server cups and "lp -d" which is basically the same concept.

Programming / Optimizing printing speed through Windx
November 11, 2024, 03:45:58 PM
Hi all,

To give context, I have a customer who had their server locally and are now remote on a Cloud server.  They were used to quick print spooling, but now that they are remote, they started to complain.

I had a similar situation with another customer, but he wasn't printing to paper.  They print pretty much all to PDF, so in that case, it was an easy to fix by creating the entire PDF on the server and then transfer to the workstation and open. (instead of creating the pdf on the client machine)

I was thinking of doing the same to print (paper) via the client printer as well, but can't figure it out without third party applications.  The other solution I was thinking of is to stack all the print commands in one string and to send the string all at once via WINPRT to limit the number of communications between the server and the client, but this would probably require more work on my end and not sure how much speed I would really gain?

I was also thinking of spawining sessions for each print jobs to have them built simultaneously?

So, my question... Is there maybe a trick to print via WindX with faster speed? 

My scenario is that the user prints multiple documents at the same time. There's a wait time of maybe 2-3 seconds before each document starts to print.

I'm trying to limit the number of "clients" logged on the app server by using the "Max Total Clients" option.  There is no "client must login" set... So to my understanding, it should be the number of different IP address logged on that app server that "counts" has the number of clients?

I have one specific workstation, a sales rep on the road, that connects and disconnects often.  He also uses different internet link, so his ip changes often.  I'm thinking this is part of the issue?  He is unable to connect, receiving an error message saying that total max clients has reached.  There should be at least 3 available "clients" available based on the number of IP address connected to the server at that time.  I have to restart the app server to let him in...

Is it possible the "counter" isn't reset and the app server doesn't check the number of connections in real time on connection attempt?
Programming / Re: Calendar in grid input?
October 17, 2024, 02:43:52 PM
Ok, and what about a non NOMAD program ?
Programming / Calendar in grid input?
October 16, 2024, 11:21:25 PM
Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to use the "calendar" function within a cell in a grid? 

Programming / Re: Visual Studio extension
September 27, 2024, 09:37:47 AM
Hey Stéphane,

the biggest reason we can't really use the VS extension right now is because it doesn't recognize the symbols /* to comment blocs of code.  We have that everywhere in our programs since we've been using Eclipse for the last 15 years.  Obviously, having this in our text based program makes it not compatible with native PVX and compiling gives error.  So, the only solution would be to remove all of these before even thinking of converting to VS as a primary IDE.  Perhaps, it could be done via a script.  But even if we do that, in VS, all of these comments are displayed as errors and makes it annoying as hell! ;)

Time is not something we have to spare right now, but perhaps this is something we could have a look later when things slows down!  I guess we'll stick with the outdated Eclipse version for now!

Programming / Re: Visual Studio extension
September 26, 2024, 09:37:15 AM
I'm curious though... What is pvx really doing in the backend when using "text based program" ?  I honestly thought that it needed to be compiled to run?

So, is there performance downside of using "text based program" instead of compiled?  If I understand the concept, all programs edited with VS extention will not be compiled unless we force a compile from and external script.  Technically, we could use notepad and it would do the same except the syntax/code corrections and visual keywords formatting that VS offers.
Programming / Re: Visual Studio extension
September 26, 2024, 09:10:25 AM
Thanks MIke... will have a look!
Programming / Visual Studio extension
September 25, 2024, 10:37:10 AM

Hey guys,

so we've been using Eclipse IDE for years now and we've just tried using the new VS extension.  In Eclipse, there was a text file in a "src" folder and a "compiled" folder which contained the compiled program. 

From what I see, in Visual Studio, there's no such thing as a compiled program?  Or is it?  The main issue we have is that we would need to reformat all our program files to removed the use of  /* to comment out some lines of codes that wasn't part of the compiled program.  Also, we would need to rename all of our files to remove the .pvt extension.  But even by doing that, I'm not sure it would be "compiled" or still interpreted as a "text program"? I do see that we can open directly the compiled program in VS, but we lose all our indentation (visual formatting), GIT history and is also not recognizing encoding properly (which may be a setting??) ?

My main question is.... Is there a way we can "compile" text based pvx program ?
Programming / Re: grid read next ?
September 20, 2024, 05:57:14 PM
Hey Mike, no, sorry for the confusion!  I'm really talking about the CELL selection by using the CTRL-MOUSECLICK or SHIFT-MOUSECLICK.

So let'say there's a grid with 30 lines. The user click once on a cell in line 10 and then presses SHIFT and click line 20 from the same column.  I want to read selected cells, so in this case from line 10 to 20.