IIS / single port

Started by ChrisKCAi, April 27, 2022, 01:47:23 PM

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I see in the iNomads documentation that the feature to only use a single launch port is not available when using IIS as the webserver.
Is that a permanent limitation due to the structure of IIS or something that could/will be available in a future iNomads release?

Mike King

Due to the nature of ASP and IIS we are not capable of supporting a single port on other than Apache and the PxPlus EZWeb server.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com

Stéphane Devouard


If my memory serves me correctly, at Explorer we were using IIS as the web server and we were configuring iNomads to connect to a Simple CS Host server listening on a single port to run the application in the background

Stéphane Devouard
Portfolio | Work

Mike King

The iNomads single port option uses only a single declared port between the web server (I.e Apache or EZWeb) and the server running the application.

When a new session starts iNomads launches a process on the application server to do the actual processing. In a single port setup the web server keeps the connection to the application server open between requests from the workstation, in a non single port setup each application process has to have a unique port number assigned to it so when subsequent requests for the same session arrive it gets routed to the applicable process based on it port.

The issue with IIS is keeping the connection active after the ASP request completes whereas with Apache and EZWeb we  maintain a table active sessions and their related open tcp connection to the application server.

The single port setting is not directly related to using simple CS.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com

Stéphane Devouard

Got it

This is something that was added to PxPlus 2018 which obviously we did not use since we were stuck with PxPlus v10...
Sorry for the confusion
Stéphane Devouard
Portfolio | Work

Mike King

Over the years we have continually added new options to improve both the performance of iNomads and its ease of setup.  The single port option means you only need one port open between you web facing server and the actual application server.  This makes firewall setup easier and improves system security.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com