how to extract a value passed in the url

Started by HendersonS, April 01, 2022, 09:37:07 AM

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Hello everyone,

we are trying to query a receipt or invoice with inomads directly passing the receipt number through the url, so we need to extract the value from the url.
we have read the manual tried several ways but we have not been able to achieve it.
we have a transaction called "qryrec" and we want to pass the value "5580" and later extract that value.

for example:

We also add the PxPlus program CGI handler as specified in, but when we try to run the program we get this message "Submission rejected. Web server license not found."

Pxplus 2021 V18.1 Wayfer license .
we are using apeche 2.4 web server.

We are new to using inomads, so if anyone can help us, we would really appreciate it.


To extract the value:

Stéphane Devouard


First, you need to resolve the issue with running iNomads
In the Windows installation procedure you're pointing to, it is said that you must change the path to pxplus.exe in the pxp.cgi file
Did you do that ?
If that is correct, then maybe you have a problem accessing the activation file
The best way to check this is to run the pxplus.exe that is pointed by the pxp.cgi and check it is correctly using the Wayfarer key
One thing you must try to avoid is installing PxPlus in the "Program Files" folder as this is protected by the system and you get all kind of permission problems

Once the activation problem is sorted out, the answer to your question is
Whatever program is run by the qryrec transaction must use this method of the %INOMADS object to retrieve the query string arguments

Hope this helps
Stéphane Devouard
Portfolio | Work

Mike King

I would suggest you contact support from whoever you bought the license from to get help with the error message "Web Server license not found".  That sounds like you may have a licensing issue that they will need to address.  If you bought directly from us, PVX Plus Technologies Ltd., then submit a support ticket at and make sure to include your serial number and version.

As for getting the values from the URL, in iNomads (which it sounds like you are using) there is a method in iNomads object to retrieve the URL arguments.

Calling %iNomads'get_url$("id") will return the value from the URL.

See for details.

As a side note, for this type or process you may consider Webster+ as it is more suitable for what appears to be a single response function.

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting


Thank you all for reply,

1-yes, we change the path to where we have pxplus installed.
2-Pxplus is not installed in the program files.

1-we bought the license with a reseller, we will contact them to help us.
2-I will try using the method indicated.
3-Webster+ can be used with a Wayfer license? or do we have to upgrade?