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Messages - Devon Austen

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
Programming / Re: Error 114 recovery
« on: January 16, 2024, 12:05:05 PM »
Check out this forum post form Tips and Tricks: https://forum1.pvxplus.com/index.php?topic=39.0

It details the best way to try to recover keyed files.

Wish List / Re: constantly visible scrollbar buttons
« on: December 15, 2023, 10:08:13 AM »
PxPlus uses the standard Windows scrollbars. So how they look is largely up to Windows. With Windows 11 they seems to hide the arrows indicating the buttons unless you mouse over them.

A spinner control is just a multi-line with a scrollbar where you just see the buttons. If on Win 11 you only see the buttons when hovered over. I don't think the auto hide setting will have any effect as the scrollbar PxPlus generates for the spinner control aren't hidden it is only the arrows.

A quick look and it doesn't seem Windows 11 allows you to control this behavior of the standard scrollbar.

Something we are considering for a future version of PxPlus is to enhance the spinner control giving developers more control over how it looks. This would mean not using the standard windows scrollbar and getting this auto hide arrows behavior.

Programming / Re: create a pivot table
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:50:07 AM »
Glad you resolved your issue.

Thanks for sharing the answer.

PxPlus has a [DB2] interface similar to the ODBC interface (https://manual.pvxplus.com?command_tags/db2.htm).

To use the DB2 interface, you must have either the DB2 database or the DB2 client installed on a workstation, and the path to the db2cli.dll file must be locatable by the PATH environment variable.
When using the DB2 client, a db2cli.ini file is created in the user directory to specify such parameters as the Hostname (address), uid (user) and pwd (password).

You can try this to see if it is any faster for you compared to ODBC.

Note the performance may have more to do with the SQL generated then which interface is used. PxPlus will convert reads and writes to SQL for you but in order for it to do that it has to generate SQL that will work for all types of reads and writes. This means it doesn't always generate the most efficient SQL.  You can however issue SQL directly and read the results allowing you to craft the most efficient SQL for the data you need (https://manual.pvxplus.com?PxPlus%20User%20Guide/Data%20Integration/Introduction%20to%20SQL/Using%20SQL%20Directly%20Within%20PxPlus.htm).

Wish List / Re: string interpolation
« on: November 15, 2023, 10:16:13 AM »
Here is an example of your code in PxPlus:

Code: [Select]
name$ = "Tom"
print "Hello, "+name$+"! Today is "+dte(0:"%Wl")+", it's "+dte(0:"%Hz:%mz")+" now."

Concatenation can happen on the same line of code.

As for speed I don't think the $"xxxx {var} xxxx" style string building would be any faster from a performance standpoint. Internally the same thing will be happening building the string plus now you have to scan the string for the variables as well.

Does that syntax work for you?

Programming / Re: Access IOL variables as properties
« on: November 10, 2023, 08:35:37 AM »
Unfortunately Composite strings cannot be used as object properties (See the note here: https://manual.pvxplus.com?directives/dim.htm#Mark7).

You can probably accomplish what you are going for by dynamically creating properties (https://manual.pvxplus.com?directives/def_class.htm#dynamic).

Web Services / Re: REST problems
« on: September 27, 2023, 03:56:56 PM »
From a PxPlus command line can you run:

Code: [Select]
OPEN (1) "[tcp]www.pvxplus.com;443;secure"
That will at least tell you if OpenSSL is working and if not should give you an error pointing to the issue.

Web Services / Re: REST problems
« on: September 27, 2023, 02:06:38 PM »
You said:

Actually, I had to make some adjustments, since it always added ";secure" to the OPEN, and that generated a PxPlus error.

*plus/web/request is adding the ;secure to the open because it is a HTTPS server. If you modified the program not to do that then it then likely the server rejects the request since it is insecure.

What error where you getting when it did add the ;secure? It is possible OpenSSL is not setup correctly for PxPlus to find it and fixing that will resolve your issue.

How to fix missing OpenSSL Libraries on Linux: https://forum1.pvxplus.com/index.php?topic=495.0

If your Linux distribution is older it also could be possible it doesn't support the minimum SSL/TLS version required by the server you are trying to connect to.

The error message when you attempt with a ;secure should tell you what the issue is.  You may need to print msg(-1) for more info.

Programming / Re: Create an Excel file in Linux environment
« on: August 14, 2023, 08:44:41 AM »
Another option would be to use the PxPlus Google Sheet object. As long as the Linux machine has access to the internet you can setup a google account with API access and then write a program that uses that google account to generate a google sheet (spreadsheet) and then export/download it as a xlsx file.


the \K is an argument to the cmd.exe program

The COMSPEC environment variable resolves to something like "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" the \K is an argument passed to it telling it to remain open after running the command that follows.


Programming / Re: corrupted journal files
« on: July 11, 2023, 08:50:25 AM »
Journalization is not supported for files with extended length records. See the note at the top of the documentation (https://manual.pvxplus.com/?Data%20Mirroring/Enabling%20Journalization.htm)

We have a wish list item looking at adding support for this. If it does get supported there may be limits on how large of a record length is supported with journalization.


INVOKE HIDE WAIT "[lcl]net use lpt1: \\192.168.xxxx\printershare"

this should run it in a minimized window.


Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
« on: June 20, 2023, 03:27:04 PM »
If you want to create a Excel spreadsheet without Excel you can use Google Sheets via a Google Sheets object to create the spreadsheet and export it as an .xlsx file.

The constructor requires a Client ID and Client Secret, both of which must be obtained from Google via the Google API Console. See Google API App Setup for detailed steps.


Code: [Select]
! Wait for user to complete Google sign-in and allow PxPlus access
INPUT "Press any key to continue after logging into Google account and allowing PxPlus access:",*;PRINT ""
! Complete the Google Sheets login
! Open spreadsheet
if x'CreateSpreadsheet(path$)=0 then MSGBOX "Couldn't find "+path$
! add things to the spreadhseet
! Export current spreadsheet as a XLSX
if x'ExportSpreadsheet("C:\Users\User\Documents\JuneCommissions.xlsx")=0 then MSGBOX "Couldn't export to xlsx"
! Close spreadsheets
if x'CloseSpreadsheets()=0 then MSGBOX "Couldn't close spreadsheets"
! Drop object

ODBC / Re: ODBC on Redhat
« on: June 09, 2023, 03:11:32 PM »
I think the command you want is

/usr/pxpsqlodbc/pxpsql -d /facts/facts93 LIST AR_CUST_MAST

After LIST you just specify the table name not the word table and then the table name.

ODBC / Re: ODBC on Redhat
« on: June 09, 2023, 02:44:17 PM »
In your first command you pointed to the data dictionary at /facts93. In the second command you pointed to the data dictionary /facts/facts93.

My guess is if you modify your second command to use -d /facts93 you would get what you want.

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