Using the Maintain NOMADS Environment Utility

Started by Len Vassos, June 03, 2020, 02:00:19 PM

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Len Vassos

This utility introduced in PxPlus 2020 was created to provide a simple grid interface to help set %NOMADS properties for your application.  The utility gives you access to all of the %NOMADS properties and can be sorted by category, alphabetically, or by whether the property has been set.   As you navigate through each property, the property description will display a brief overview with examples.   Each property value can be entered by selecting a checkbox or drop box, picking a value from a lookup or entering it in the grid.   Property values can also be entered as expressions to give added flexibility.   The values are stored in a settings file and once the %NOMADS object is instantiated all of the settings are applied.

How to Set Properties

1.   From the IDE Launcher select the Maintain NOMADS Environment task from the Graphical Application Builder (NOMADS) menu.
2.   Once the utility is launched, the grid can be sorted by category, alphabetically, or by properties that have been set, in order to help locate the desired properties.
3.   To set a property, check the Set checkbox and select/enter the value appropriate for the selected property.   
4.   To enter an expression, check the Exp checkbox and enter the expression.   

Note:  if a value/expression is entered first, the Set checkbox will automatically be checked.

5.   To save the entries, select either OK or Apply.   Apply will save the changes without closing the window.

Other Features of the Utility

Display Settings:  Displays contents of the setting file
Copy To:  Copies the current settings file to another directory
Reset:  Clears the settings file

Go to Maintain NOMADS Environment Utility to learn more about this utility.
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.