Using Extended Class Validation and Display

Started by Len Vassos, May 27, 2019, 03:05:29 PM

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Len Vassos

In PxPlus 2019, we introduced a new feature that allows for additional data validation and the ability to add display-only fields based on a table.   We extend Data Class functionality and Multi-line functionality in Nomads.

For example, you may have a Salesperson Code in your Customer Maintenance panel that you want to validate against the Salesperson table.   Additionally, you may also want to display the Salesperson Name, and other data when a valid code is entered.

You can accomplish this with the following steps:

Data Class Definition
1.   Create a new dynamic Multi-line data class (i.e. SALESREP).
2.   In the Validation tab, select the "Use Extended Validation" checkbox.
3.   In the "Table" field, select the table to be use for the validation
4.   From the "Key" dropbox select the key to use for the verification.  All the keys defined for the table are loaded.
5.   From the "Descriptive Field" dropbox select the data element (i.e. Salesperson Name) to be available when designing the Nomads panel.  All data elements from the table are loaded.
6.   Select the "Populate All Fields" checkbox to make all data elements from the selected table available when designing the Nomads panel.
7.   (Optional) You can override the standard validation message by selecting a message library in the "Error if Invalid" field.
8.   (Optional) Program logic can also be entered to override the standard validation message in "Logic if not Found" field.
9.   Enter the other required fields and save the Data Class

Nomads Multi-Line Control
1.   Call up the Nomads panel.
2.   Create a new Multi-line control and give it a name (i.e. SALESPERSON).   Enter the data class SALESREP that was created in Step 1 under Data Class Definition
3.   Create a new multi-line to be used for the SalesPerson Name
4.   To get the data you want, you can do either of the following:
   a.   In the control name, enter SHOW.SALESPERSON.NAME, where NAME is the name of the data element from the table and SALESPERSON is the name of the control from Step 2. 
   b.   Use the new button beside the Name control to display the data elements from the table based on the SALESPERSON control created in Step 2.  When a data element is selected the
         same control name syntax as in Step 4a, will be created.
5.   When creating a "SHOW" type control, the Locked, Borderless and Transparent attributes are automatically set.
6.   You can continue to create new Multi-lines and select other data elements to display, as desired.

Go to Extended Class Validation and Display to learn more about this new PxPlus 2019 feature.
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.