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Topics - Ken Sproul

There seems to be a limit to the number of columns a report view list box can have but I couldn't find any documentation for the limit.

I defined a list box with 267 columns. The first column is defined as S0 (not visible).
While scrolling to the right, the headings stopped scrolling at the 180th visible column.
However, the data for the remaining columns continued to scroll and display.

Is this a limit or a bug?
Is it pxplus or Windows?

Attached is a txt file containing the string used in the fmt= option.
I'm using a com object with a string property that I need to pass a value greater than 32k back and forth.
I think there's a trick to this if memory serves, but I couldn't find it.

This may be for the PxPlus team.

We have a background process that sends emails using *web/email.
This process is designed to handle any email errors reported by *web/email and continue running.
Recently that background process started hanging.
We discovered that that the email server credentials had changed.
Once we updated the credentials, the process stopped hanging.

So my question is what could be happening inside *web/email to cause the background process to hang instead of simply returning the authentication error?

PxPlus Version: 15.10

Is there a way to know whether a program was called by entering the call from the command prompt vs. being called from a program line (such as running it or stepping into it)?

Given this program:

Call made from the command prompt:

Call made from a program:

What would SOMETHING be at line 30 in CALLED_PROG?

Keep in mind that in both cases, the name of the program being called could be referenced in a variable instead of quoted text.

I've played with the stk() function but that doesn't help if the call from the command line is done while stepping through a program because stk(-1) references the line/program stepped to.

I considered parsing the code pointed to by stk(-1) using lst(pgm(num(mid(stk(-1),1,5)),tcb(12)-1)), but even if the code at that line does in fact call the program, it still may have been called from the command prompt.

The one difference I am sure of is that when calling from a command prompt, there is no "next" statement to execute.  Is there a way to know this?

If you know of a solid ERP Wholesale Distribution System written in PxPlus, please provide contact and/or sales info.

Ken Sproul

Programming / *web/email error message (0/117)
May 12, 2021, 08:16:19 PM
I'm having trouble with *web/email returning an error 0 with the following message:
Sending to SMTP Server Failed: (0): Connect to SMTP Server: server-name;25 timed out. (0/117).

Pxplus Version: 15.10
Windows Version: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

I can open "[tcp]server-name;25" with no error.  I can write smtp commands to the channel to send an email.  I can use *web/mail to send an email with no error.

This same server has an older version of PxPlus and *web/email works fine with the older version.

I checked permissions in the pvx and lib directories and don't see any issues, although I cannot rule it out.

What is *web/email trying to do (assuming at line 117) that is resulting in a busy error?

New info.  The server is a local smtp server on port 25 without user authentication.  So I changed the server to ";465-secure;username;password" using my own username/password and it worked without an error.  Hopefully this is a clue.

When using an embedded IO procedure with a file that is being opened as the result of the direct access method in a read statement (see example below), is there any way to know that the file is being opened by direct access?

read ("custfile",key=custnum$)

Language / rtf multi_line behavior change
April 15, 2020, 05:49:54 PM

We noticed a change in rtf behavior between versions 12.50 and 15.10 when pasting a range of cells copied from excel.  The cells in excel do not have any borders.  However, in v12.50 the cells have borders after they are pasted into an rtf multi_line, whereas in v15.10, they do not.

While this appears to be a bug fix, it was also a nice "feature".  Is there anything we can do to bring this "feature" back (i.e. object properties, parameters, etc.)?

Is an expression used in the end clause of a select / next record loop evaluated at every iteration?
Has anyone experienced hidden windows suddenly becoming visible?

This just started happening at one of our client sites.  They are running PxPlus v11.65 on a windows server and Windows 10 on the client side.  A pxplus program will be running and after some time of not doing anything, the desktop will flicker and the hidden base window and a hidden menu window will suddenly be visible.  This particular user has a laptop with two external monitors and the windows are all on one of the external monitors.

I'm wondering if it's a recent update to Windows or an anti-virus program triggering this.  Any ideas?
I'm not sure the sub() function is working correctly with a negative occurrence argument.  Tried it in versions 12.50 and 15.10.


Shouldn't it return this?

Out of curiosity I tried this which works:

But this didn't:

I would have expected ###0.000.

Is there an explanation or is this a bug?
I have a PxPlus Webserver background process with a web request program that uses *web/email to send emails from the server.  If I substitute it with *web/mail, the email is sent with no problem.

The message I'm getting from *web/email is:
Sending to SMTP Server Failed: (0): Connect to SMTP Server: unc-address;25 timed out. (0/115).

So why is *web/email having this problem and *web/mail is not?  Any help will be appreciated.
A tree view list box has a large number of elements.  The list_box read is returning a negative index that results in an error 41 when used with list_box find to look at elements above and below the current index.  The item property doesn't error with the negative value, but accessing the itemtext$ property afterwards reslults in an error 11.

I coudn't find any index limits in the language reference, but it seems to be limited to something in the 32k range.  Has anyone run into this and found a workaround?  Is it a PxPlus or windows limit?
Language / 12.50 PxPlus on Server Changes to 12.51???
August 15, 2018, 11:21:23 AM
So we have PxPlus 12.50 installed on the server with matching windx on the clients.  After some time goes by, the server reports version 12.51, but since windx still reports 12.50, nomads won't run.  We haven't installed 12.51.  Any idea how this version mismatch is happening?