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Messages - Jane Raymond

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Programming / Re: Chart Colours
« on: August 24, 2018, 03:37:51 PM »
Check if you have colors set in the Chart Presets, as they will take precedence over the colors in %nomads'chart_colors$.

Programming / Re: Chart Colours
« on: August 24, 2018, 02:03:23 PM »

FWIW, there are several ways to control the colors used in a chart. They can be set in the Chart Presets, or using the global variable %Nomads'Chart_Colors$, and via a template file in iNomads. Here's the url for the doc:  https://manual.pvxplus.com/PXPLUS/Charting%20Alternatives%20in%20PxPlus/Colors/Overview.htm

Nomads / Re: Logic with Numeric Multi_lines
« on: August 17, 2018, 11:07:32 AM »
It's a good thing you beg to differ, since after looking at the code I discovered that my assumptions were wrong, and you are right.

BTW, *winproc only maintains the one value.

Nomads / Re: Logic with Numeric Multi_lines
« on: August 17, 2018, 08:54:10 AM »


When a File Maintenance panel is generated, the controls for numeric fields are generated as string fields. There  are conversion routines (NUM_TO_STR, STR_TO_NUM) to keep the numeric field and its control string field synchronized. Whenever the record is read, the string field is synchronized, and whenever the user changes the field in the control, the numeric field is synchronized. If the field value is changed by the user entering data or by browsing, etc., the fields are synchronized, so it doesn't really matter which one you use.
However, if you are changing the value programatically, it is important to keep both synchronized, so you should set them both.

Nomads / Re: Logic with Numeric Multi_lines
« on: August 16, 2018, 11:00:44 AM »
If you want to effect a change that will be reflected in the control on the panel, use the control name. (This value will then be converted to the record field in the Str_to_num, so you're covered.)

Nomads / Re: Dictionary
« on: August 07, 2018, 08:52:28 AM »
  • When defining the data dictionary for a file in Dictionary Maintenance, select Expression for the Physical File and build the expression for the file name using your global variable, e.g. %Company$+dlm+"filename". You can set the value for the global variable in your START_UP program. Alternately, you can use a fixed simple name for your file, and set up File Search Rules using the PREFIX directive to find the file when it's opened.
  • Again, you can determine which files are used by looking at the search rules you have set up with the PREFIX directive.
  • Information on defining keys for a dictionary file can be found here.

Programming / Re: File maintenance panel creation for flat files,
« on: July 26, 2018, 09:03:19 AM »
There are two steps to defining a file in Data Dictionary Maintenance. First is creating the file definitions, consisting of file attributes, elements and key definitions. This meta data is stored in providex.ddf and providex.dde files. Second is applying the definition to the file, i.e. pressing the Update File button which creates the file and keys and embeds the definition right into the actual physical file  It is only after both steps have been completed that the physical file can be processed properly.  As you found, after you pressed Update File you were able to generate the File Maintenance panel.

As for the error 55, try doing a LOAD "*win/flmaint" to see if you have access to the file.

Programming / Re: File maintenance panel creation for flat files,
« on: July 25, 2018, 02:57:52 PM »
When defining key for your file, click on the Define Keys button, which will invoke the Key Definition interface. Click New Key to add your primary key.

The Primary Key Definition interface will list the Data Fields for the file in a list box at the left. Add the fields that make up the key to the Key Segments list box by double clicking on the field name, or by highlighting it and clicking the Ascending or Descending button(depending on the desired sort order) to add it to segments. You can specify substrings and segment options by highlighting the key segment and clicking on the appropriate button. When all the key segments have been chosen, you can optionally give the the key a Key Name, and press OK to save the definition.

The Key Definition panel will now show the key definition. You can then add alternate keys for your file in a similar way.

This is documented at:

Programming / Re: File maintenance panel creation for flat files,
« on: July 25, 2018, 09:01:11 AM »
File definitions in the data dictionary consist of field definitions and key definitions. It looks like you have not defined any key(s) for your file. If you load the file definition in Data Dictionary Maintenance, there is a Define Keys button on the toolbar that will allow you to specify the key(s) by which you can read the file. When you have finished defining keys, be sure to click the Update File button to add the new info into the file.

Nomads / Re: New Query not pre-loading
« on: July 12, 2018, 08:52:31 AM »
It does not make sense to display a 'Loading' message when load-on-demand is being used, as pages are only loaded when needed. A message is displayed, however, when you click on a column to sort and all the records have not yet been loaded. I'm just not sure what version that occurs in.

Nomads / Re: New Query not pre-loading
« on: July 10, 2018, 03:29:34 PM »
The new query does not actually pre-load data. This is an option setting for the classic query to allow column sorting. The new query will either load-on-demand or background load. The issue which you may be encountering is that you can only sort on a column when all the data has been loaded into the query listbox. With the classic query, there was no display until all the records were read, so when you clicked on the column header, the sort occurred. With the new query, records are displayed before they have all been read, so there could be a wait while records are being loaded before the sort could happen.


Nomads / Re: Data Read logic in nomads DD or View definition
« on: July 10, 2018, 08:53:29 AM »
When you define a Data Source for a View, on the Elements tab you can add your own element and include a PxPlus expression in the Expression column to build the value you want.

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