Spawning a session

Started by Mike Hatfield, April 18, 2024, 01:34:40 AM

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Mike Hatfield

Hi All, I'm running a plus/cs windx session.
I want to be able to open a new window/session from the current program.
In that new window I want to have it run a program that will display some lines of customer information text. When I find the text I want to switch back to the calling windx session and be able type in some of the text. When I'm done I want to close the new window/session either by clicking on the new session 'x' or issuing a close/drop or whatever in the calling program.
Would you believe in the nearly 26 years of programming with Pvx/PxPlus I've never had occasion to do this.
Is this accomplished by spawning a session or is there an easier way. I did do a test with *plus/cs/spawn. It gives me a new session window but none of the global variables from the calling application.
If this is the correct approach how would I place the following in the spawn argument cmdline   -  PROCESS "ARCM_INFO",%PATH_ROOT$+"dictionary/SM_CZ.EN",R2$

I don't seem to be able to do this with a dialogue window. IE Once inside the dialogue window you can't swith back and forth between the dialogue and calling program.

Mike H


As this appears to be a Nomads application, can't you use a concurrent window instead of spawning a new (but completely separate) session ?

James Zukowski

And to make things easier for the user, you could include a "Copy" button with each data field which will put it on the clipboard. They could then just click in the field and paste it.
James Zukowski
Sr. Developer - J&E

Brand Industrial Services

Mike Hatfield

What if the application is not Nomads - Character only?
Mike H

James Zukowski

That's an interesting twist. Haven't tried that before.

How about defining the panel as a Child Dialogue (maybe with Synchro-Lock)?
James Zukowski
Sr. Developer - J&E

Brand Industrial Services