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Author Topic: Dialogue Create Failure  (Read 1427 times)

James Zukowski

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Dialogue Create Failure
« on: November 14, 2018, 10:55:09 AM »
Here's an interesting one: I've been creating a working command window on my 1920x1080 screen using:

Code: [Select]
print 'dialogue'(66,16,82,25,"Work Window",opt="-cX"),'show'(1),'sr','cs','black','_white','cs','df','black','_white','cs','df',
It works fine, but no menu bar. When I change the opt= to "-cMX", I get an Error message box window stating only "Create failure". However, it does seem to be partly created, as the cursor is now at the top of the creating window, but nothing is erased, and nothing echoes when typed, though the cursor moves. Popping the window returns me to where I started.

Any ideas?

PxPlus 13.10, Linux 5 server, WindX on Win7Pro
James Zukowski
Sr. Developer - J&E

Brand Industrial Services