webster plus to sage 100 ebusiness

Started by Jon Toomsen, February 16, 2023, 05:41:42 PM

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Jon Toomsen

What issues would I encounter if used pxplus webester plus for ebusiness web pages to Sage 100 and does it make any sense.
Using many of the routines in Sage 100 declared as an object for reading and updating a shopping cart then eventually a sales order.

Mike King

Technically you should be able to Webster+ against any PxPlus/ProvideX based application.  However some applications lock down some or all of their code so that it can only be run using an activation key supplied by the manufacturer. 

Whether or not you could use Webster+ to directly call/execute any of their application code would depend on the application and how it is secured.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com