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Messages - Hans Plass

Language / Re: Dropping an Excel object
November 07, 2023, 06:51:49 PM
Thanks for your help, Arno. I'll give it a try.

Language / Re: Dropping an Excel object
November 06, 2023, 09:09:15 PM
Thanks for your help, Arno and PxPlus. I have tried the method CloseWorkbooxs() but it hangs the same way as the dropping. How could I go on using my program as before I disconnected OneDrive without having to reactivate it. Or is that not possible? Thanks again, in advance.

Hans Plass
Sistemas 4u2 - Chile
Language / Dropping an Excel object
November 05, 2023, 07:09:57 PM
I have suddenly encountered a problem when trying to drop or delete an Excel object (after checking that REF(object)=1), even though there have been no program code changes. Indeed, the process becomes interminable, so that it is only possible to conclude it by killing it via the Task Manager of Windows. The only environmental change that has occurred recently has been the disconnection of the stand-alone computer from OneDrive, if that has any bearing on the anomaly. I would be grateful for any hints or suggestions that might help to resolve this problem. Thanks in advance
Hans Plass
Sistemas 4u2 - Chile