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Messages - Tom Anderson

Programming / Re: Copy Data Definitions
May 27, 2024, 01:45:23 PM

That's not a bad idea. The problem is that I would need to change the file open logic in 200 - 300 programs.

Would it be feasible to read 'providex.ddf' and 'providex.dde', modify the records containing 'C1' and create a new record for 'C2'?


Programming / Re: Copy Data Definitions
May 23, 2024, 05:08:05 PM

I may be looking at this incorrectly but it looks like this simply copies file 'A' to file 'B'.

What I need is to copy the file definition as contained in the files 'providex.dde and providex.ddf leaving the original data definition unchanged.

Programming / Copy Data Definitions
May 23, 2024, 02:56:51 PM
I have tables defined in the Data Dictionary in PxPlus 2023 version that I need to replicate in the same dictionary.

All of the files are labeled beginning with 'Cx' where x is the company identifier. For example, the customer master file for Company 1 is 'C1ARCUST'.

I need to copy all of the elements in 'C1ARCUST' to 'C2ARCUST'. Everything is identical except for the number at position 2. I see where this is doable one file at a time under Copy but am wondering if the is a bulk copy utility do all of the C1 files at one time.


Programming / Copy Data Definitions
May 23, 2024, 02:48:58 PM
I have tables defined in the Data Dictionary in PxPlus 2023 version that I need to replicate in the same dictionary.

All of the files are labeled beginning with 'Cx' where x is the company identifier. For example, the customer master file for Company 1 is 'C1ARCUST'.

I need to copy all of the elements in 'C1ARCUST' to 'C2ARCUST'. Everything is identical except for the number at position 2. I see where this is doable one file at a time under Copy but am wondering if the is a bulk copy utility do all of the C1 files at one time.


ODBC / Re: ODBC with latest MS Excel
May 09, 2024, 03:44:56 PM
Quote from: Mike Hatfield on May 08, 2024, 10:10:34 PM
I see that MS Excel - Data - Get Data - Other Sources- MS Query has disappeared from the latest version of Excel.
How do we now run PxPlus ODBC ?


This worked for us:

Tom Anderson
Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 20, 2023, 04:02:37 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it.

Off topic...there used to be a keystroke from a command prompt that would display all the current variable values on the screen.

For the life of me, I cannot remember what it was.

Can you help jog my memory.


Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 20, 2023, 02:30:06 PM
Issue finally resolved on creating Excel spreadsheet.

One other question - my customer uses a number of thin clients in the plant for production entry. All these clients have installed is the Windx client to run the PXPlus software.

It appears you cannot create an Excel spreadsheet from any of these machines do to the fact that Excel is not installed on them.

Is there a way to create and update a spreadsheet without having Excel installed?


Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 09, 2023, 01:22:44 PM

I was not using Windx with version 20.

I checked and have version 1600 installed.

I will open a support ticket per your suggestion.

Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 09, 2023, 10:26:08 AM
Update - downloaded and installed demo version of version 20 and the program now works as expected.

I am wondering if I have the latest version of 16 installed. When I look on the website it shows 16.2 in the downloads section.

How can I determine exactly what version I have installed?


Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 09, 2023, 09:19:35 AM

hta(x_obj'sep$) = 8A

Windows Server 2019. Using Windx running on Windows 7, 10 and 11. Tried them all. Same result. Latest Excel version and also tried Excel 2016.

Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 08, 2023, 05:37:52 PM

I tried the program on customer's system today and got the same results (v16)
Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 08, 2023, 05:36:04 PM

When I print x_obj'sep$ I get nothing back.

I added the visible statement and the sheet shows with the same wrong data immediately after the write.

Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 08, 2023, 05:05:03 PM

The retval after each step is 1

Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 08, 2023, 03:47:31 PM

Have you had any other thoughts as to how to solve this issue?

Anyone else on here have any ideas?


Programming / Re: Create/Update Excel Workbook
June 07, 2023, 05:18:40 PM

The only thing that has been changed in the default settings is the font for the cells.

Everything is as it is from the initial install.

Using the latest version of Excel fully patched.

