How to setup email notifications

Started by PxPlus, June 18, 2018, 09:35:48 AM

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There are two ways to setup your email notifications:

  • Notification on every new topic in a Child Board
    For example, you want a notification for every topic posted in "Discussions."

    • To do so, click on Discussions
    • At the bottom, under the table of topics, you will see a button that says "Notify"
    • Click on Notify and this will sign you up for email notifications for any topic that is posted in Discussions

  • Notification on a single Topic

    • Click on the desired topic
    • You will see the "Notify" button on the top right menu bar, as well as, on the bottom right
    • Click on Notify and you will receive a notification for every message posted in that topic
Not all boards offer the ability to be notified when a message is posted.  Static boards such, as this board, do not offer notifications.