Crystal Reports SAP/PxPlus ODBC Driver Error 3 Tables

Started by Jeffrey Ferreira, October 19, 2021, 11:04:36 AM

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Jeffrey Ferreira

Hello All

I have a client that does the following using Crystal and PxPlus ODBC Driver:

-> Links Order Header to Order Lines (works fine)
-> Links Order Lines to Inventory Master (works fine)
-> Links Order Header to Order Lines and Order Lines to Inventory Master (fails)

I don't know if it is a Crystal Problem or a PxPlus ODBC problem. Has anyone else had an issue like this


Stéphane Devouard

Hi Jeff

Haven't done much Crystal and PxPlus ODBC, but :
How about linking order lines to order header and inventory master ?
Would be two inner joins to the main table instead of one left join then one inner join

Just thinking out loud

Stéphane Devouard
Portfolio | Work


In my experience Crystal does not do joins well. They cause performance slow downs. The more joins the worse it gets. Our solution was to do the joins in code and write the results to a table that Crystal could simply read.