Sage/ProvideX ODBC

Started by mm_coder, December 09, 2020, 05:38:53 PM

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We use Sage 100 which uses a ProvideX backend DB running on a virtual 2012 server VM
Clients tested Windows 10 64, Windows 7 64

We access Sage 100 using the SOTOMAS ODBC driver

Under Lazarus/Delphi pascal program
Here's the problem.
When a Sage 100 client is running on a client machine, we have a 4 second delay before an ODBC connection completes.
When a Sage 100 client is NOT running on a client machine, we have a 1 second ODBC connection time.

Access can make the connection in 1 second regardless of the Sage client running or not.

Any ideas why?

Mike King

Unfortunately the ODBC driver that Sage100 uses is different than the PxPlus SQL ODBC driver.  Although the underlying database and file structures are similar, the enhanced PxPlus version comes in both a 32 and 64 bit version as well as versions for various Linux/Mac platforms.

You would need to contact Sage for assistance with their driver.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting