ODBC Error with MS Power BI

Started by Steve Hampton, February 19, 2020, 01:34:34 PM

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Steve Hampton

I am trying to use Microsoft Power BI for some reporting analysis. I established an ODBC connection to one of our databases with no problem. Power BI actually lists out the tables in the database. When I select one of the tables to list the data I get an error stating "Table is not accessible". I use this exact ODBC driver to access data tables in a product called Logi Analytics with no issues.  Attached is the error message I receive within Power BI.  Has anyone had any issue similar with attaching to Reporting products such as Power BI?

Mike King

The fact that the list of table shows up indicates that the system can find the data dictionary, however that does not mean the system can actually find the physical file. 

Check your PREFIX and DIRECTORY to make sure these are correct along with the Data Dictionary to see what the physical pathname specified is.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com