Error Log ODBC

Started by Jeffrey Ferreira, March 18, 2019, 11:36:41 AM

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Jeffrey Ferreira

Hello List,
On the Debug Tab of a 64 bit odbc pxplus data source i checked.
Enable Debug
and then specified log file
if i use test connection it outputs to the file but no other tests will write to the file....Excel  or Other applications that we use to access it...
Has anyone had this issue before....
i have used this feature before at another client with some degree of success.


Devon Austen

Hi Jeff,

I use the debug logging all of the time and I have not had this issue. We have not had anyone report this issue before either.

When using Excel are you sure you are using the same DSN you turned debug logging on in?

When clicking enable debug logging do you then save the change by clicking apply or OK?

Do you have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the ODBC driver installed or just one?
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Jeffrey Ferreira

Devon, i think i'm pretty sure i'm using the same one
i have 64 bit version
if i go back in there it is still checked....
i will double check everything.