
Started by Ben Alexander, October 11, 2018, 04:18:33 PM

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Ben Alexander

We have just updated our pvx odbc and sql svr from 6.00 to 6.10 and now we are requierds to have a catalog defined for sql svr. Trouble is we have never defined a catalog before. If my providex.ddf is in directory /z/abcd how do we define a catalog that will use that and let the pxpsqlsvr run again?

Devon Austen

Hi Ben,

Check out the pxpsqlsvr.conf.sample file that came with the installation for an example and a description.

You can also read the documentation about the new catalog setup for the server here

Also for clarity here is an example from one of my pxpsqlsvr.conf files


In this example I defined a catalog named default which pointed to the data dictionary located at /myapp/data and it does not have an INI file or prefixes

In you ODBC client DSN under the server tab you would then specify default as the catalog name to connect to data from the /myapp/data dictionary.

This is so a server could define multiple catalogs and so that clients do not have to know anything about the server or where the data is on the server.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Ben Alexander

Thanks Devon, that put us in business.