Views names showing up, but no data

Started by Danny_S, February 24, 2023, 03:22:58 AM

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A couple a days again I noticed the Views were not working anymore. As far as I know, there are no changes made.

The internal Views show the data, and using the ODBC server to retreive data directly from files works, but concerning the Views, only the tables show up, but no fields or data.

Using the pxpsql.exe, it returns 'S0000:1:101:[PxPlus][SQL ODBC Driver][PXPIO]Unable to locate and open the requested data file', which would suggest the prefix in de Catalog section of is wrong, but it isn't.

Also tried the full path in the Views definition, but no luck.

The ViewLib= is also correct.

PVX ODBC server and client are version 7.00.0003, PxPlus server and client are version 18.20, server is RedHat 7.

What am I missing?



Devon Austen

The ViewLib= setting should be to the directory where you can find file. So if your PxPlus is installed at /opt/myapp and the is /opt/myapp/ then the ViewLib= configuration setting should be ViewLib=/opt/myapp

Another issue could be the activation/license of the PxPlus where we are using the view library from is not active. Views won't work if the PxPlus where the view lib is from is expired or has no activation.

PxPlus products do not automatically update so something else on the system must have changed. If you can figure out what changed that will help identify the issue.

Maybe the activation expired?
Maybe someone made a configuration change and moved files or changed permissions etc?
New security or antivirus software/rules preventing something from working?
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.



Thanks for the response.

I have double checked the ViewLib= setting, and it is correct.

I removed the serial from the config file, and put in serial=, so it is in Demo-mode, and on the client side I get a message saying it is in demo-mode, but still no luck.

The PxPlus in the ViewLib is our 'normal' Pxplus, and is activated and working.

At least now I know it is not the Views or PxPlus...

I will try and find out if something else has changed.

