Updating a file from EXCEL PxPlus SQL Server

Started by Mike Hatfield, October 18, 2022, 06:23:06 PM

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Mike Hatfield

I've created a test in our PxPlus SQL Server permissions setup for RW for any user and any company.
I've chosen a file and fields from the ODBC selection and now it is displayed in Excel.
What is required to have Excel write back to the file when you change a cell in the workbook.
Mike H

Mike King

My knowledge of Excel is somewhat dated, so perhaps things have changed.

To the best of my knowledge (and as stated I'm no expert on Excel) generally for write back you need to write some VB or such to do the actual updates as Excel itself is generally read only.

Here is a link that might give you some ideas.

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com

Mike Hatfield

Hi Mike,

Appreciate your comments.
The thing is I had managed to get Excel to write back to the file at a client site.
This would have been at least 5 or 6 years ago. Naturally I have forgotten how I got it working  :(
I remember it worked because I had to change the definition in the dictionary of a two-part key to the file.
It was stockcode 25 chars plus warehouse 2 chars.

Oh well. I'll try and find a MS Excel forum that might help.
Mike H