ODBC and Logic Procedures

Started by Danny_S, August 10, 2022, 07:25:08 AM

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Hi List,

I have a view, and try to add Logic Procedures to it. If using the Views, I can see it gets executed, but when I access the View using the Client ODBC Driver I can't see anything happening. Also tried an Object, with the Onload, OnExecute, OnClose, SetInitLogic, SetExecutionlogic and SetCloselogic.

I tried the logic on all levels, and in the logic I just tried to create a file (serial), tried using a Linux path (the ODB server runs on a Linux server), a local Windows path, and a windx [wdx] Windows local path.

My final goal is, based on the prefix (set by the Catalog) to show data in a View, or not, if the user is not allowed. There a 2 main databases for 2 companies, each with their own catalog.

I tried everything I could figure out from the manual, but I think I am missing something to get this working.



OK, Never mind, on a hunch I reinstalled the local driver, and now I can see code getting executed...