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Hi Devon!

Many thanks, that's it...

Bet Regards, Thomas
ODBC / Error while update mssql Database via ODBC
July 06, 2022, 11:12:54 AM
Hello fellow colleagues!

I have the following problem. I'm testing around with SQL and have the following code:

0100 ! ^100
0110 LET DATABASE$="[ODB]lansweeper;"
0120 LET OPT$="USER=lansweeperuser;PSWD=***********"
0130 LET DB1=HFN
1000 READ_IT:! ^1000
1010 LET ASSETID=34393
1015 LET SEL_STRG$="select assetname from tblassets where ASSETID="+STR(ASSETID)
1017 LET SEL_STRG$="update tblassetcustom set custom1='400_neu' where ASSETID="+STR(ASSETID)
1030 READ (DB1)A$,B$,C$
9900 ENDE:! 9900

Unfortunately I get an error message during the command to update.

Error #15: Operating system command failed
Last IO to [ODB]lansweeper;, channel 63
Current program is C:\PVX\SQLTEST1, line 1025
HY010: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Fehler in der Funktionsreihenfolge

However, the value was still correctly written to the SQL database...

What am I doing wrong?

Maybe you can help me?

Many thanks!
Language / Big problem with *web/Email
June 15, 2021, 11:52:22 AM
Hallo all!

Please help me!

PVXPlus PRO V17, SuSE 13.2

I will send a test E-Mail to our exchange but i get an error:

I don't know why it will use ssl...

Here, what i do:

-}goto test
CALL "*web/email","","","","","","Test Please Ign
ore","Hi this is a test from PxPlus."+$0D0A$+"Hello World","","N","halek-exchg"+
ERROR: Sending to SMTP Server Failed: (99): Writing to SMTP Server: halek-exchg;
25 Failed. (99/175).
MSG(-1)=Could not locate entry point 'TLS_client_method' in libssl library.
Likely an incompatible SSL Interface. (err/ret=0/0)
MSG(-1): Could not locate entry point 'TLS_client_method' in libssl library.
Likely an incompatible SSL Interface. (err/ret=0/0)
10000 ESCAPE
1}read record(10)x$
1}print x$
220 HALEK-EXCHG.halek.local Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 15 Jun 20
21 17:37:15 +0200
-}ls -l /lib/libssl*                  389,864 Bytes     2016-09-23 20:52:00            389,864 Bytes     2016-09-23 20:52:00
-}ls -l /lib64/libssl*                  425,240 Bytes     2016-09-23 20:44:13            425,240 Bytes     2016-09-23 20:44:13

So what can i do?
I'm confused...

Thank You!
Hi Mike!

Thank you, that was the trick :-)
Wrong GPO...

Best regards
Once more (Sorry...)

IT's not possible to open Command Mode Window or the other debugging features...
If i will start one, nothing happens...
No Window is appearing.


Hi all, Hello Mike!

I don't know why, but i uninstalled the WindX Version (17.10.000 Update1) completely from our System, then i reinstalled again and now all seems to be OK.

Thank You for supporting and have a nice Day!

Best regards
Dump attached
Hi again (and again and again :-))

I have started Only WindX without any startprogram...
See Error attached.

I cannot open Trace Window or any other Debugging windows.
If i will open, nothing happens...


Both activations are OK...

Key file: ./lib/ACTIVATE.PVX

Registered to: XXXXXXXXX
        System id: 1637357122
                Class: 664

Professional Serial 680005, 10 users, V17, Registered
Package 7587, Registered
   Runtime, Flags:0157000a

I will check your suggestion and get back to you
Hi again!

I forgot to say:

Server= OpenSuse Linux 3.16.7-53-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 2 13:19:28 UTC 2016 (7b4a1f9) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Hi Eva!

Now i get Error 17...
Hello all!

I have a problem with PvX Plus V17.10 and Terminal Server 2019 ...
I keep getting error 65 in many modules.

I just want to show an example here:

Error 65 at:
perform "* winproc.ttl; init_titlebar_controls"; if ...

When I try to display the dump, I also get an error:

[Path to temp \] nomads_dump. [SERVER] .html - File cannot be found.

What am I doing wrong? Why do I get these errors in the terminal server environment?

I use WindX Client...

Please help!

Many Thanks!
Programming / Re: [DDE] Problem (Excel)
May 08, 2019, 02:08:37 AM
Hello Mike!

Yes i know that. I was wondering why the Path is the 64 Bit Path. But the Office Version is definitely 32 Bit.
I'm confused, because it is not possible to enter the Path in the installation process.
Whatever, i think i know now what is to do.

Very Thanks for your answers!

Best regards,

Programming / Re: [DDE] Problem (Excel)
May 07, 2019, 03:27:07 PM
Hi Devon!

Thanks for your answer, but the Version is 32 Bit.
At first I thought we had the wrong version installed ...
I have looked in many forums where DDE is discussed, but no luck...
Maybe i must install an older Version and then upgrade to the new one...
Is it conceivable that it is related to the paths?

Anyway, it is currently impossible to rewrite all programs.
Therefore i need a solution.

Best regards
Programming / [DDE] Problem (Excel)
May 07, 2019, 04:23:25 AM
Hello and good Morning to all of you!

I still can not speak English better ...:-)

I have a little Problem with [DDE] and Excel on one new PC.

Windows 10 / 1809
PxPlus 8.30 (Build 9190) /SuSE -- I know, a little bit old ;-) but it is running smoothly for our Application.
WindX same Version
Office 2016 Home&Business

Now my Problem:
First: On all other Machines are the same Configuration.
We have a Statistic-Application, that writes via DDE to Excel.
An all PC's is no Problem, but on the new one we get an error.

The only thing i have found on the new PC, the Path of Microsoft Office is another than the other PC's.
On the "older" PC's, the Path is "C:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15"
We have permanently Updatet Microsoft Office on this Machines since Office Version 2007.

On this new PC the Path is now "C:\program files\Microsoft Office 15"

Maybe this is the Problem?
Or is a PxPlus Update necessary?

When the Problem is the "new" Path of Office, how can i install it to the older Path?

Very Thanks to all of you!

Best Regards