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Messages - Mike King

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Wish List / Re: simple XML processing
« on: July 13, 2018, 06:16:20 PM »
While we could look to doing this, I don't follow why you think parsing in an array is easier than the current XML parsing using *obj/xml.

Here is a comparison of JSON versus XML.

First the JSON data:
{ "countries":[
    { "name":"Canada",
      "capital":"Ottawa" },
    { "name":"USA",
      "capital":"Washington" },
    { "name":"France",
      "capital":"Paris" }
    ] }

Now the code to parse assuming X$ contains the JSON:
Code: [Select]
  dim load array${all}=x$
  for n=1 to 100000
  if name$="" \
   then break
  print "Country:",name$," capital:",array$[sfx$+"capital"]

Now the XML Data

And the code to parse the XML in X$
Code: [Select]
  oXml=new("*obj/xml" for program) ! Create the object
  oXml'Set_XML(x$) ! Load the XML
  for n
  print "Country:",oCountry'Find_node("name")'value$," capital:",oCountry'Find_node("capital")'value$

The total number of lines of code is the same, but the JSON processing is making assumptions that the NAME is not blank to determine the number of entries.
The XML knows the count and by definition will validate missing data whereas the JSON parsing logic would need to be enhanced if it wanted to make sure the capital and name fields were present.

I don't see how parsing XML to an array will make this any easier. 

BTW: We have made a few changes to improve the XML object for the next release such as a Value$(tagname$) method which combines the Find_Node and Value$ property and you can pass the XML when creating the object.

This will further simplify the code, when using PxPlus 2019, to:
Code: [Select]
  oXml=new("*obj/xml",x$ for program)
  for n
  print "Country:",oCountry'Value$("name")," capital:",oCountry'Value$("capital")

Nomads / Re: Right-Justified Text for CheckBoxes
« on: July 12, 2018, 06:35:41 PM »
PxPlus auto-scales the check box to match the current text line height. 

The actual image is dynamically created in order to make the size correct.

With PxPlus 2017 you can also define a file which has the bitmap images you want to use which will be scaled to fit.

For different colors check boxes just set Backcolor to whatever you want to appear inside the box.

Programming / Re: search installed Excel
« on: July 12, 2018, 10:32:03 AM »
This sounds like you are over reaching in trying to disable the export to EXCEL if it is not installed.  There are MANY program that can read EXCEL files and many that can create them. 

Here is a link to page that names but a few.

Unless you plan to test for all of these, suppressing the import/export could potentially cause problems for clients that don't want/need to have a fully functional EXCEL and are using some of these alternatives.

BTW: On my MAC I have iWork and when I run Windows under Parallels, I can use iWork to open and edit any XLSX file.

Language / Re: Spacing Between Lines
« on: July 12, 2018, 10:02:32 AM »
Have you tried the 'rowheight property?
Try this:

Code: [Select]
0010 LET x=10
0020 LIST_BOX x,@(5,5,17,10),OPT="r",FMT="[Name]8 [Type]8",SEP=","
0030 LIST_BOX LOAD x,0,"Puss and Boots,Cat"
0040 LIST_BOX LOAD x,0,"Marmaduke,Dog"
0050 LIST_BOX LOAD x,0,"Piggly Wiggly,Pig"
0060 LIST_BOX LOAD x,0,"Dumbo,Elephant"
0070 LIST_BOX LOAD x,0,"Scrooge McDuck,Duck"
0080 LIST_BOX LOAD x,0,"Mickey,Mouse"
0090 LET x'Rowheight=1.5

Language / Re: Message (Status) Bar Height
« on: July 09, 2018, 04:42:35 PM »
Generally the Windows font size and thus the toolbar and message bar sizes are static throughout an application thus the system only checks the size when required. 

The size is not maintained by window but for all windows on a session thus changing it for one window could adversely impact other windows already created.

People can indicate if they like this idea by clicking on the 'Like' button. 

We plan is to use the number of Likes to help provide us guidance as to what people would like us to add to the language.  Topics/ideas that people add to this section will be reviewed and those with more Likes will more likely get considered.

Generally when a panel is started by Nomads, the position is determined either by its last panel position (assuming you have persistence enabled -- see below) or the settings on the panel header.

On the panel header you can specify the location of the panel and a line/column specification.  There are three options:

  • ABSOLUTE:  The panel will be positioned on the current monitor at the line/column specified.  The current monitor will be the main monitor for the initial screen or the monitor in use if you currently have a panel/window being displayed.
  • RELATIVE: The panel will be positioned using the line/column values as relative positions based on the current panel/window being displayed.  If no windows is displayed, then the position will be relative top of the screen.  (Note: There is almost ALWAYS a windows logically present even if it is minimized as PxPlus creates a main window during start up and preserves it last location automatically)
  • CENTERED: The Line/Column values are ignored.  The panel is displayed centered on the current display.

Panel Persistence
Nomads provides the ability for the system to remember where you last placed a panel and will attempt to restore it to the same position.  This is done generally by setting %Nomads'Panel_Info_Prog$ (%Nomad_Panel_Info_Prog$) to the name of program which will save and recall the panel position. 

We supply a program "*winpnl" that does this for you.  It preserves the last location a panel was placed by user id in the file called "panel.inf".  Simply call *winpnl prior running any Nomads based application and the system will enable persistence.

You can write your own program to do the same if desired, but generally *winpnl provides the necessary functionality.

Your Problem
You indicated that the position is wrong.  Is it possible that you have multiple workstations using the same user id?  This could cause confusion if you are using the standard *winpnl program.

Language / Re: Best use of 'ES' mnemonic
« on: July 03, 2018, 10:10:48 AM »
If you have a printer where the ESCAPE is other than $1B$ you can set the value of the 'ES' mnemonic in the device driver using the MNEMONIC directive.

For Example:
->open (1) "*memory*
->mnemonic (1) 'es'=$01$
->print (1) 'es'
->read record (1,ind=0) R$
->print hta(R$)

Changing the mnemonic will not change value of ESC however, only change what will output when you issue the 'ES' mnemonic to the device.

FAQs / What happens during PxPlus start up?
« on: June 29, 2018, 10:36:45 AM »
When a new session of PxPlus starts up a number of programs are run in order to establish the environment and launch your application.

The programs run are as follows:

  • Internally PxPlus determines the type of terminal being used to run PxPlus and runs its terminal setup program.  These are found in *dev directory.

    • For Windows this would be *dev/windows
    • For WindX connections using Simple CS, NTHost or the Application server this will be *dev/winterm
    • For Unix/Linux the system will get the terminal type from the environment variable TERM and run *dev/xxxxx where xxx is the terminal type in lowercase.  If this is not found the system will run *dev/termcap which will try to generate the device driver from the system termcap information.
      Note: For WindX connections using SSH or Telnet you should set the environment terminal type to winterm or ansi.

    The device driver will normally exit by running *TTY to load the device function and edit keys from the keyboard configuration file for the device.  This program will also check to see if there is a user device driver in *udev/devicetype and if present run it.

  • Once the terminal is configured an internal CALL to "*start.up" is executed to do the following

    • Call "*plus/start_up" to handle Plus special PxPlus extensions
    • Call your start up program specified in the environment variable PVXSTART or "START_UP" if the environment variable not set.
    • Check your product activation to see if it is current or needs updating

  • Runs the program specified on the command line if any (the "Lead" program found in LPG system variable).  If no program is specified the system will drop to the command line prompt.

If you want to set your system parameters, prefix(es), or do other initialization logic you generally will perform this in your start up program in the starting directory for PxPlus.  This will be run before your lead program is executed.

Note: As of PxPlus 2014, when using PxPlus Simple CS the system will run your START_UP program after the workstation connects.  Prior releases would run it before the connection was established.

Off Topic / Re: Mailing List Update
« on: June 28, 2018, 03:50:11 PM »
Unfortunately due to GDPR rules we cannot make the historical emails available as they cannot be edited in any way that would allow removal of any personal information such as persons name or where they work.  While this rule would not apply to non-EU member postings, because message threads often include the data submitted by others all emails have the potential to include personal data and not in any form that is easily editable or able to be removed.

If you have things you are looking for we suggest you post your request here and we will try to either answer the question and/or search the archives to get an answer removing any personal data from the response.  Over time this should allow this forum to include many items of interest to the community. 

This also will allow us to update many of the answers that were in older mail list entries.  Older answers may now no longer be relevant or correct as the product has changed over the years.  For example older maillist entries might suggest you invoke Adobe to display a PDF or Shell.explorer to display an animated GIF, ignoring the fact that the *BROWSER object module included in PxPlus 2017 can be used to display PDF files and that animated GIF files are supported directly.

Thin Client/WindX / Re: Ports to open for WindX.utl SPAWN
« on: June 27, 2018, 01:16:10 PM »
Generally we suggest you use Simple CS to connect to the server as it only requires a single port.  The default is 4093 which is defined by ICANN for use by us.

If using Telnet or SSH to connect then by default the system will ask the OS to provide it an available port number which, as you say, can cause trouble with firewall settings. 

Now you can override this and force the application to use a specific host/port by setting %PXPLUS_HOST prior calling *windx.utl;spawn.  This variable can be set to an asterisk followed by name/address of the host (as seen from Workstation perspective), a semi=colon, then the port number to use. 



Where "server1.inhouse.net" is the host address and 4093 is the port to use. 

This is documented at a note on the bottom of https://manual.pvxplus.com/page/windx/windxutl.htm

While we don't currently have Hover color, there is a FocusBackColor$ and FocusTextColor$ properties on the control that can be set so adding these to the Visual Class options should be no problem.

Unfortunately no -- if your license is Pro then you will get the Pro features (same for ECommerce).

If you would like, perhaps you could add this to our Wishlist section of the forum.

Programming / Re: search installed Excel
« on: June 26, 2018, 04:22:09 PM »
You may have to contact Microsoft to have them advise how to tell if Excel-App is installed.  Its really not something relative to PxPlus but rather to Windows and how it registers applications.
While the Apps is likely in the C:\Program Files\WindowsApps directory -- this won't help you much as this directory cannot be accessed without Admin privileges.

There may also be a registry entry somewhere but as you are dealing with "Apps" on Windows they may be using some other form of registration process as Apps are installed quite differently than normal windows applications.

Now you might be able to use powershell to get a list of apps installed by executing:

powershell -Command get-appxpackage
  • This should be able to be piped into you PxPlus program
That will give you a ton of output but you may be able to scan for Excel-App.

Programming / Re: search installed Excel
« on: June 26, 2018, 10:43:51 AM »
Perhaps it is using the 64 Bit version of Excel and since PxPlus is a 32 Bit application the system is checking the 32 bit registry.

The registry accesses may need to be changed to:

call "[lcl]*win/registry;read",err=*next,"hkey_classes_root","excel","",_X$,0,64

The issue of different registries was mentioned in a Topic in the FAQ in the Knowledge base section

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