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Messages - Devon Austen

ODBC / Re: More than 1 INI file ina Catalog
February 07, 2025, 08:08:12 AM
The setup to use multiple INI files is to have one INI file with all the table names and use the alternate to specify the INI file with the definition of that table. This way you could have one INI file for each table definition/layout and one INI file that is just a list of table names and INI paths. Nothing should be too big then.
ODBC / Re: More than 1 INI file ina Catalog
February 06, 2025, 08:52:39 AM
In your INI file were you specify the table name you can point to a alternate INI for were the table definition can be.

Look at the alternate option.
Webster Plus / Re: Webster+ Help
January 17, 2025, 02:38:44 PM
Looks like the issue may be your path to a certificate /pxp/ is just a directory and not a .PEM file path.

When doing the Webster+ install make sure to use a path that includes the filename of the .PEM file.
Webster Plus / Re: Webster+ Help
January 16, 2025, 08:04:35 AM
I am not sure just putting the .conf in the conf-available directory is enough to have that configuration used. You may need to use the a2enconf command to enable the configuration. This is a guess based on the existence of that directory. Please consult your Apache documentation for the exact setup for your Apache.

After updating Apache configuration you need to restart the Apache server for it to use the new configuration.

Web Services / Re: Web server failing to get requests.
January 13, 2025, 01:59:12 PM
For the PxPlus Web Server do you have the access.log enabled? That should log all access to the server if enabled.
Language / Re: SQL Database Error after version change
January 03, 2025, 09:26:55 AM
Considering the error is coming from the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver I would still suspect the problem is not the PxPlus version.

Have you confirmed that the ODBC connection made from PxPlus is the same in the 16.2 v 19.1 versions. ODBC connection settings can be set via INI file, link file, prefix file, or directly in the open directive. If the ODBC settings were done in anything other then directly on the open directive it is possible the new version is not matching the old version and that is were the issue is.
Web Services / Re: Web server failing to get requests.
January 02, 2025, 11:51:19 AM
Hi Michael,

Sounds like it could be either a issue with the web request generated by the MS cloud app or an issue with the web server blocking the request from the cloud app IP address.

I don't know what type of web server you are using and how it is configured so I can't help much with that.

I would suggest checking the web request being sent from the cloud app to make sure it is the same as the one from postman that worked.
Language / Re: SQL Database Error after version change
January 02, 2025, 11:46:46 AM
Hi Jeff,

That error is coming from the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver.

So the error appears to be happening on their end.

Is this using a different version of the MS SQL Server ODBC as when you were using PxPlus 16.20?

Is this a different DSN for the ODBC connection then when used with PxPlus 16.20?

My advice is look for differences with the SQL Server and ODBC driver setup since that is where the error is happening.
Webster Plus / Re: Inquiry About Webster+ Training
January 02, 2025, 11:35:38 AM
There is no training sessions or courses currently available for Webster+.

There are materials that discuss what Webster+ is and how to use it. In your last forum post I linked to these. There are additional resources from the Direxions+ conference presentations about Webtser+ which can be found here:

2024 (v21) - PxPlus on the Web Introduction
2024 (v21) - PxPlus on the Web File Maintenance Generator Demo
2024 (v21) - PxPlus on the Web HTML Editor Demo
Programming / Re: Possible "bug" in JSON handling
December 13, 2024, 04:44:11 PM
It works for me in the latest version of PxPlus. What version are you trying this on?
Webster Plus / Re: Webster+ Questions
December 12, 2024, 04:56:09 PM
ODBC / Re: File Does Not Exist
December 10, 2024, 02:03:54 PM
A common thing I have seen is the prefixes not been setup correctly in the new DNS entry. If the necessary prefixes are not defined then some tables can't be found. You can check the path field of the table in the data dictionary, you should be able to confirm if the path is correct and setup correctly on the server and if a prefix is needed.

Another thing to check is permissions.
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
November 28, 2024, 11:01:00 AM
Are you creating your own interface to Twilio or using *tools/sms?

Our tool supports Twilio.
Programming / Re: Select statement not returning values
November 28, 2024, 08:50:29 AM
This may be a bug that results in undefined behavior. That may be why you see it at one install but not another.

Can you try a newer version of PxPlus? That version is out of support and there have been many improvements to the SELECT directive logic since then. It is possible if this is a bug that it already has been fixed.

Other thoughts is it may have to do with a difference between the two installs. Maybe there is a difference in system parameters or something that could explain it not working. The 'SO' system parameter perhaps?
Programming / Re: Select statement not returning values
November 27, 2024, 03:37:30 PM
I would suspect it has something to do with "end %a0$+%lc$" in the SELECT directive.

If you do the same without a end do you get the records for %a0$ plus whatever is after them?

If so you may just need to get the end correct.